From Ilary Blasi to Micaela Ramazzotti. That (in)discreet charm of the personal trainer

The unattainable model is Daniel Westling50 years old, began as a personal trainer, a present as Duke of Västergötland and Royal Highness, and a future as King of Sweden by virtue of his marriage to the heir to the throne Victoria, married in 2010 after having trained and seduced her.

Today and here, more modestly, we have Cristiano Iovinothe personal trainer who will be Francesco Totti’s witness in the divorce case, telling, as he has already done to the newspapers, that with Ilary Blasi he didn’t just have a coffee (“We can’t talk about history. I would rather say about an intimate relationship”). Her behavior is not exactly gentlemanly, or “gentlemen” to put it Claudio Pallitto and with one of the pearls he ringed when he competed in the Italia 1 reality show Tamarreide. Another was “yes circumcised, yes”, to invite a rival to be more concise. Pallitto, new love of Micaela Ramazzotti after separation from Paolo Virzìis the personal trainer of the moment: one of his out-of-place phrases in the restaurant would have triggered an argument with plates and chairs flying and the intervention of the police.


Personal trainers are the new protagonists of crime news, even news tout court, you see Iovino beaten up outside the house, perhaps by Fedez, certainly from a gang of seven or eight moved on a punitive expedition yet to be clarified. See Pallitto, involved in the brawl complete with a complaint filed in the barracks by Virzì, whose lawyer then issued a conciliatory statement which reads “we will find a way to resolve this incident”.

A statement to which Ramazzotti responded by rather making things worse: «I am not surprised by Paolo’s frantic attempt to only preserve his own public image. On the other hand, he has always cared more about that than the serenity of his family and his loved ones or presumed to be so.”


The director and the actress were the golden couple of Italian cinema, making three films together (Whole life ahead, The first beautiful ThingLwith crazy joy); two children, marriage in 2009, separation announced in March 2023.
There were also children at the restaurant The Rich Salad of Rome, Piazza Albania. Virzì was with the fourteen-year-old male, Micaela was with her eleven-year-old daughter and Pallitto. You should never frequent places on your ex’s radar, because then you risk meeting them. It seems that Virzì said something to the girl and that Pallitto would have reacted with a “mind your own business”. He comes to mind when, acting like Tamarreide, she said: “I’ve seen so many in suits and ties who are worse than us.”

The new sex symbols

Personal trainers, the suspicion is, are the new sex symbols. Elisabetta Canalis, after George Clooney and after her surgeon husband Brian Perri, she got engaged to her trainer and boxing teacher Georgian Cimpeanu. Mashed potato Tina Cipollari58 years old, historic “over tronista” of Men and women she made it known that she is engaged to her PT. Online forums are full of questions like these: “Is it true that personal trainers often have sex with the women they train?”; or “how to understand if your personal trainer likes you?”. Among those who say this, there are also those who refer to the “mentor syndrome” and explain that falling in love with “the master” is fatal.

In an era where image is everything, personal trainers pass for new gurus. They proliferate everywhere, they multiply under new labels such as couple trainers (who train couples) and wedding trainers (who train the betrothed). If you don’t have one, you’re nobody. Nothing or almost nothing is a status symbol like having the Pt. From here to losing yourself in his fit, often tattooed arms, it’s a short step. There are falls Britney Spears and Madonna, who had her daughter Lourdes Maria with Carlos Leon, and whoever falls for it, perhaps, who knows, like them, feels a bit like a star.

The aspiring actor

Claudio Pallitto, 39 years old, gym in Appio Tuscolano, on the outskirts of Rome, appears alongside Micaela Ramazzotti at the latest Venice Film Festivalwhere you present your first film as director, Happiness. They appear in a post in which they jump on the bed and it is the beginning of a series of selfies and photos on the beach, at the florist with a gift of red roses and a kiss, and in the gym, of course. On Instagram, he shows off romance, muscles and tattoos. Even a Superman t-shirt. He was an old acquaintance of the Virzì couple: as an aspiring actor, he starred in two of Paolo’s films, Drought And Every single dayand some of it also has it in the Happiness by Micaela. She said in an interview with 7, in his directorial debut: «The perfect family doesn’t exist. In many cases, if the cauldron of bonds is opened, monsters emerge”.

If not monsters, it happens that lids, fists, plates, slaps fly. Things that happen when you move from intellectual to muscular confrontation.

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