behind Rai’s revenge, the favor to Meloni. What happen

behind Rai’s revenge, the favor to Meloni. What happen
behind Rai’s revenge, the favor to Meloni. What happen

It blows black air, in Rai. After the now certain “revenge” on Serena Bortone, in fact, an indiscretion appears that comes (very close) to what many feared. According to Dagospiathe unceremonious farewell to Bortone, with the insertion of Maria Latella in her place, would have been a sort of favor in extremis of Rai to the angry Giorgia Meloni. Too great, it seems, was the insult from the journalist who had chosen to read the monologue on April 25th by Antonio Scurati anyway. So the wrath of the prime minister would be addressed above all to Rai top management, who “slept” on the crime. And in the meantime, Bortone’s colleague, Sigifrido Ranucci, is preparing a total counter-move solidarity with my friend. Here are the details below.

Serena Bortone, Dagospia: the hypothesis favors Meloni

It’s been suspected for a while. That the Rai strings are pulled by the majority has been a fact for years. But here, in this case of Bortone’s “expulsion”.it seems there was a nice favor directed to the prime minister himself, Giorgia Meloni. Dagospia (with reasonable certainty) reveals that the leaders of Viale Mazzini they would have pushed for a stop to “What will be” of Serena Bortone, in order to ingratiate himself with the heads of government. Guilt of having defended the Antonio Scurati Strega Award, Bortone would therefore be the victim of more complex political games. But we need to go slowly, we need confirmation.

In any case Dagospia reports the following: Giorgia would have thundered against the Rai leaders for having “moved like elephants in a glass cabinet putting her in serious difficulty and transforming Bortone into a heroine”. Inadmissible, therefore. In her place, the very welcome Maria Latella should arrive, in theory more inclined to party diktats. This is the choice. And the result is only one. Which? Serena Bortone will be stopped from his Rai. She, as she always points out Dagospiafor now he doesn’t intervene in words: “No comment from the presenter who awaits ‘official’ punishment from the company (a suspension for the Scurati affair)”.

At the very least, however, another breaking rumor is heartening. It seems that Siegfried Ranucci is ready to take the field to defend Bortone. In practice, on Sundays he would like it lengthen Report to rudely replace the program taken away from Serena. Meanwhile, the one who isn’t calm is Viale Mazzini. If it is true that they gave Meloni a last-minute assist, after the Scurati-Bortone “mixup”, then it means that credibility drops significantly towards them. The line imposed by the government is one thing, giving gifts for fear (perhaps) of worse repercussions is another. We await clarification to understand if that’s what happened or not. Let’s hope for the second hypothesis. We fear the first.

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