Here’s who stays and who will abandon

Mare Fuori 5, two excellent protagonists will not be there, here is what will be the news of the new season

Sea off new season, confirmations and farewells –

The fifth season of Sea Outside it is now on the launch pad or at least is “warming up its engines”. In fact, filming has begun on the new season of this very successful TV series, which has received great acclaim. The new season will see some new entries and very welcome confirmations, as well as some bitter farewells.

The news between farewells and controversies

The well-known TV series set in Naples opened its doors in 2020 on Rai 2, immediately receiving wide acclaim especially thanks to the cast full of young and talented actors. It is no coincidence that ratings have reached unusual figures for Rai 2, becoming a successful bet for the director since the first season, Carmine Eliathen replaced by Ivan Silvestrini in subsequent seasons.

The new season of Mare Fuori between confirmations and abandonments –

The new edition, however, will record some excellent farewells, above all that of Massimiliano Caiazzo who played the role of Carmine Di Salvo, one of the key figures of fiction. An abandonment that many fans have not understood and which represents one of the sore points of the new season to such an extent that it could put the satisfaction of the new season at risk. Also Matteo Paolillo who played the role of Edoardo Contegave a lump sum.

Another of the big news concerns the changing of the guard in the role of director. Ivan Silvestrini’s farewell was followed by his investiture in the role of director of the new series of Mare Fuori, Ludovico Di Martino (who has already directed Skam 3, The Beast and Travellers). The screenplay will be edited by Maurizio Careddu, Luca Monesi, Angelo Petrella, Sara Cavosi and Elena Tramonti.

The confirmations

The bitter news of the two excellent farewells was accompanied by more comforting news such as the confirmation of Rosa Ricci, Giovanna Sannino, Carmine Recano, Vincenzo Ferrera and Lucrezia Guidone. The formalization of farewells, confirmations and new faces has sparked a hornet’s nest of controversy among the most skeptical viewers who on social media have accused the production of having emptied the TV series of the most representative characters, thus making the new season less exciting.

A thesis not shared by everyone. According to other viewers, these changes could instead arouse greater curiosity and it is not said that the new characters cannot have the ability to warm the hearts of viewers as those of previous seasons have already done. Filming of the new season, however, will continue for a few more months. The production is certain that even Mare Fuori 5, with its exciting stories. will be able to achieve the same success as previous seasons. As always, for posterity, the arduous sentence.

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