Paola Perego, there was nothing that could be done for her: she lost the battle fought until the end

Paola Perego lost the battle fought to the end –

There was nothing to be done for Paola Perego, she lost the battle she fought for a long time, but fate seemed already written.

He fought for a long time in these years, but his battle seemed to have a sad ending already written.

And just in these days, after having fought for several years, he had to capitulate.

The sadness of Paola Perego joined in the sadness of her fans.

But, as in all battles, alongside the defeated emerge the winners. And here’s what happened in the world of television.

Paola Perego’s battle for hosting the reality show La Talpa

The battle lost by Paola Perego was won by Ilary Blasi. The announcement was made in a post shared on the Instagram account @The women of TV. The fight in which the well-known presenter was the protagonist began several years ago. From 2004 to 2008, for three consecutive editions, Paola Perego hosted the reality show La Talpa, first on Rai Due and then on Italia 1.

In the following years, Paola expressed again and again her desire to return to TV with the program so loved by the public. In numerous live broadcasts and interviews, Perego highlighted how she would have willingly done it restart La Talpa, perhaps hosting the reality show together with her colleague Simona Ventura, her great friend. However, in recent hours, news has been released that has shocked the presenter and her audience. Ilary Blasi was called to replace her in hosting the program.

Paola Perego lost to Ilary Blasi in hosting the program La Talpa – Instagram @

Ilary Blasi will replace Paola Perego as host of the reality show La Talpa: the news shocks fans

Mediaset owns the rights to the reality show and has announced its return for the next season. Paola had repeatedly reiterated how the program would be very popular precisely because crime and detective stories always attract many spectators. However, Paola Perago and Simona Semper Ventura will not be the hosts, but Ilary Blasi.

The presenter, in addition to Battiti Live with Alvin, should also host the new edition of La Talpa. In the massage shared on Instagram, we read that according to the latest rumors the reality show will return to Canale 5 led by Ilary Blasi. The news about Paola Perego shocked fans. Again according to what emerged, the program will not have a study. The planned bets should be six and they will go airing between October and November 2024. At the moment, however, there are neither confirmations nor denials.

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