there is a discordant note, fierce criticism. «She IS boring»

there is a discordant note, fierce criticism. «She IS boring»
there is a discordant note, fierce criticism. «She IS boring»

The second episode of “Il Volo – All for One“, which aired on Canale 5, sparked some criticism on the web, mainly regarding the co-host Federica Panicucci. Many viewers found her unsuitable, defining her interventions as boring and superfluous, especially in comparison to the previous co-host, Giorgia.

Even the performance of Gianna Nannini received negative comments: some users complained about his excessive presence compared to the members of Il Volo. Despite these criticisms, the trio’s singing talent was still appreciated. Many viewers also criticized the frequency and duration of the commercial breaks, considering them excessive. The commercial breaks further contributed to the general discontent of the viewers.

Criticism focused on the fact that the numerous commercial breaks broke the rhythm of the show, reducing the viewing pleasure. On May 14th, again in prime time on Canale 5, the first episode of “Il Volo – Tutti per uno” was broadcast. the concert was organized by Gianluca Ginoble, Ignazio Boschetto and Piero Barone. Even during the first episode, someone had pointed out that the guest artists, with extraordinary careers and incredible stature, in some cases ended up overshadowing the organizers and hosts of the event themselves.

Photo Credits: Kikapress; Music: Korben

Read also:–Gianluca Ginoble is moved live on Canale 5: tears during the concert. The unexpected tear-jerking moment


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