“Angelo Madonia is with Bruganelli”: the reaction of the ex Ema Stokholma

The gossip is now going crazy, “Angelo Madonia is with Bruganelli”, now seems like a consolidated issue that has sparked various reactions.

Everyone obviously wants to know, Are Madonia and Bruganelli a couple? The news chases each other and the paparazzi don’t leave much to the imagination. However, the two continue to maintain maximum confidentiality when speaking about friendship, professional understanding and common projects.

Angelo Madonia is with Bruganelli, the gossip goes crazy (abruzzo.cityrumors.it)

Nobody went further, nobody confirmed. Nevertheless what offers interesting details is the reaction of Angelo Madonia’s exEma Sotkholma which would indirectly suggest a validation of the gossip and therefore of a possible relationship between the two.

Angelo Madonia and Sonia Bruganelli: Ema Stokholma’s reaction

Ema Stokholma would be suffering a lot after the end of the relationship with her partner and, in particular, for his closeness to Sonia Bruganelli, ex-wife of Paolo Bonolis, as reported by Oggi. The agreement between the two would be possible according to those in the know but there is no certain proof of the union. A feeling, according to gossip, that would have grown over time, a growing relationship. Bruganelli and Madonia were caught together more than once but in recent months they have always talked about relationships due to the profession.

Bruganelli and Madonia together? The truth (abruzzo.cityrumors.it) Photo Ansa

First on holiday in Palma de Mallorca, where Angelo would have confirmed the agreement between the two but always talking about friendship. Then the other public meetings and therefore the need for Bruganelli to clarify. The businesswoman never specified that she was the man’s partner or that she was dating the choreographer, she always spoke of professional relationships.

In the article Alberto Dandolo talks about the importance of suffering ex Ema for the end of the love story with the dancer she was very much in love with. So everything that is happening would not have helped at all in a delicate moment of life. Their story ended in November, a serious relationship but then things didn’t work out. According to what was declared at the time by those directly involved, there was no compatibility.

The speaker and the dancer from Ballando broke up and it seemed like it was over. Now, however, it is taking on very different contours, she seems to still be in love or at least does not see the situation favorably and the two, who continue to deny a romantic involvement, could soon decide to silence the rumors about them by truly telling what is happening. ‘It’s between them and what’s happening. At the moment perhaps, given Bruganelli’s recent separation and also the ongoing acquaintance, they clearly reserve the time to understand how it goes.

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