Beating of Cristiano Iovino, the frames of the video accusing Fedez and the AC Milan supporters

Beating of Cristiano Iovino, the frames of the video accusing Fedez and the AC Milan supporters
Beating of Cristiano Iovino, the frames of the video accusing Fedez and the AC Milan supporters

While Fedez makes it known that he has some health problems, five names were identified during the night between 21 and 22 April during the beating of Cristiano Iovino. In addition to the two of them there is Christian Rosiello, bodyguard and Milan ultra. And two other people whose names remain covered by investigative secrecy for now. The vigilantes of Parco della Vittoria in Citylife recognized them, while the footage from the surveillance cameras immortalized all the moments of the fight. According to the prosecutor’s office, Fedez participated in the beating in via Marco Ulpio Traiano which took place at half past three. For this reason the rapper is being investigated for brawling and injuries by prosecutor Michela Bordieri. Before proceeding further, he lets you know the Corriere della Serathe magistrates await the end of the scientific analysis of the videos.

The taxi

Meanwhile, the newspaper publishes a frame of the video from the cameras. Where Iovino, Fedez and Rosiello recognize each other. They also searched for a taxi which appeared in via Traiano and was blocked for a few seconds by the punitive expedition van. Then he moves away towards via Petitti. If the car is equipped with a front dash cam, perhaps it will be possible to have even clearer images of the fight. The National newspaper analyzes other frames of the video. In one of these a man with white shoes backs away after a face-to-face meeting with five or six other men. First on the pavement at the entrance to number 35. Then in a small green area next to the reception. The second frame shows the final stages of the fight. There are some people on the sidewalk and others on the strip in front of the van. Iovino is out of sight, perhaps because he has already returned home. Where the police will find him in the company of the DJ and tronista Salvatore Angelucci.

Threats to vigilantes

Very likely at that moment the members of the group decided to threaten the vigilantes by telling them to keep their mouths shut and also trying to have their phones handed over to them. Immediately afterwards the report arrives at 112. Iovino is treated by the ambulance but refuses to be transported to hospital. Meanwhile, the owner of The Club, the nightclub where the fight started, says that the fight started over alcohol and not over a girl.

Cover image from: Corriere della Sera

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