divorce, late nights, cancer, emergency hospitalization and mental health. The rapper’s reckless life is worrying

It’s not an easy time for Fedez. Between divorce, fights, mental and physical health problems. Fortunately, at least on the latter the reassurance came from the person concerned: «I’m fine. I had some problems this weekend, but nothing serious”, after the rumors that had spread about his emergency hospitalization. But since Federico Lucia left Chiara Ferragni’s house he seems to have changed compared to how we were used to seeing him.

Fedez’s change after the divorce

In the TV series “The Ferragnez“If there was one thing that stood out above all it was the desire for isolation and the apathy of Fedez compared to his wife’s cheerfulness Chiara Ferragni. Every time the influencer proposed something social, the rapper threw a “tantrum”. The only constancy is an infinite love for his children Vittoria and Leone.

From the divorce onwards there was literally a Doctor Jekyll – Mister Hyde style switch. Federico didn’t miss a party, his stories were filled with parties, outings with friends, good nights out…and fights. In fact, the rapper is involved in the investigation into the beating of Cristiano Iovino.

Aside from the brawl, there would be nothing wrong if it weren’t for the fact that Federico should lead, as the doctors said, a more regular life precisely because of the health problems that have affected him and which have made people fear the worst.

Health problems, cancer and emergency hospitalization

In 2022 Fedez was diagnosed with a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas. News that was given by the singer himself via social media after the operation and which shocked everyone, because no one had the slightest idea of ​​his health condition. Thanks to a six-hour surgery which involved the resection of part of the pancreas and the removal of the mass, the rapper recovered completely.

In 2023 the former X Factor judge was urgently hospitalized at Fatebenefratelli in Milan. Even in that case there was great fear, a recurrence was thought, fortunately, so to speak, it was an internal hemorrhage caused by two anastomotic ulcers. New surgery and blood transfusions to avoid everything. The surgeon Massimo Falconi, who operated on him, explained: «I believe it can be traced back to a more significant gastric acid secretion than normal, or to a stress condition, or even to the taking of drugs without gastric protection. Once he returns home, however, Fedez will have to stick to strict pharmacological and dietary prescriptions to avoid any relapse.”

Mental health

In addition to physical problems, the singer had to deal with his mental health. A problem – which exploded after the live kiss with Rosa Chemical at the Sanremo Festival hosted by his wife – which he has never made a secret of, on the contrary, for him it has become the reason for a new social battle: «After the illness I had serious problems with mental health. I had to face them, I’m still facing them. I have no shame or shame in talking about it. I went through an acute depression and it helped me a lot to listen to other people’s experiences, that is, how others were or had faced a dire diagnosis.”

Last May 12th, as a guest at the Book Fair, Fedez spoke to the young people precisely about this: Guest of the Book Fair on Sunday 12th May, Fedez spoke about the topic of the mental health of young people: «The theme is living with the your discomfort. Bukowski, for example, coexisted very well with his demons, a healthy coexistence with his malaise. But there are other situations in which you don’t feel good about yourself and it’s difficult to get anything good out of them.”

Chiara Ferragni’s ex-husband also specified that his psychological problems led him to have to stop with music and face all the problems related to the side effects of the psychotropic drugs he was taking. Addressing young people, he launched an appeal: «Certainly, after Covid the real part has disappeared and for this reason I think that at this moment it is essential to allow young people to compare themselves in real places such as social centres, beyond their political affiliation”.


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