Fiorello blasts Amadeus: “You dream about this on the Nine”, the latest Rai live broadcast

Fiorello blasts Amadeus: “You dream about this on the Nine”, the latest Rai live broadcast
Fiorello blasts Amadeus: “You dream about this on the Nine”, the latest Rai live broadcast

«Did you see that stuff? You dream about these on the 9th. The journalists couldn’t wait for me to make this joke.” With these words Fiorello welcomed Amadeus in connection with him a few meters from the hosting table of «Viva Rai 2», for the last episode of the broadcast. The reference was to the hundreds of people who watched the last episode of the show on Raidue this morning. Amadeus joined his friend and colleague for his last live presence on the public TV networks at the Foro Italico (he will still be on air until June 1st as host of «Affari Tui» whose episodes are recorded). A few meters from the stage, surrounded by hundreds of people, Fiorello reached Amadeus on board a scooter. The two got on a bus stopped at a traffic light (“We got right on the 9” Fiorello said later) improvising a musical duet: “An Amarello song” Amadeus chanted.

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At the showman’s press review table another joke from Fiorello on the future of Amadeus, underlining that Rai allowed the broadcast to exceed 15 minutes, “stuff – Fiorello told Amadeus – that you won’t have at 9”. Between one bar and another, Fiorello joined the singer Ultimo at the Olympic stadium, singing with him some verses of «Alba chiara», a very famous piece by Vasco Rossi. A great finish in which Jovanotti also took part.

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