Cus, the move to the IV Novembre gymnasium is completed

Cus, the move to the IV Novembre gymnasium is completed
Cus, the move to the IV Novembre gymnasium is completed

The gym and basketball court of the IV Novembre school

The move is over. The new, temporary headquarters of Cus Macerata is now located in via Cassiano from Fabriano 28. After 38 years – it was 1986 when the University Institution moved from Vicolo delle scuole – the Cus left the now historic area of ​​Via Valerio and, while awaiting the new facilities that will be built in Santa Croce, it has been located close to the IV Novembre school.

The secretariat and the presidency office have been functioning for a few days and in September recreational and competitive activities will resume. Cus Macerata will have the institute’s gym at its disposal, plus the currently open-air field which this summer will be the subject of works by the Municipality with the installation of a pressostatic balloon donated by the University of Macerata which will allow you to carry out sporting activities even during the winter months. A non-onerous use until the University has the opportunity to give CUS the new center in Viale Indipendenza, in the former Cras area.

The former Cus facilities in Via Valerio

President Antonio De Introna in front of the new office in via Cassiano da Fabriano

For the president of the Polisportiva Antonio De Introna, the end of an era and the beginning of an unusual transition phase with the hope of soon moving back to the new large and longed-for home.

“A long page of history that has seen us grow a lot is coming to an end – says De Introna – and despite logistical and economic difficulties. In recent years we have not missed a beat, almost always managing to have a positive balance sheet. We have obtained results and more and more credibility, as well as prestige, despite not being able to have suitable structures that have forced us to ask for hospitality around. The last season in particular has given us enormous satisfaction thanks to the promotions of the basketball and volleyball teams and I remember the important salvation of the five-a-side football group in the national B series. In recent days I have met with the Rector several times and there is a positive atmosphere because McCourt is the first to support the need to speed up the times for the construction of the new campus. The hope is to inaugurate it by the end of 2025, in the meantime we will be here in via Cassiano da Fabriano. We have closed a now obsolete headquarters but Cus Macerata remains and from September we will restart with all our activities, from gym classes, to five-a-side football, to volleyball, to basketball, judo, athletics and tennis”.

The move

Public housing at the former Cus, what the new mega condominium will be like «Work starting at the end of June»

Cus at the IV Novembre gym waiting for the new sports center

De Introna from Guinness Book of Records: 60 years at the helm of Cus. Now the new campus in Santa Croce

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