the miracle products that will deflate you in a few days

The much feared water retention has its roots in a series of different reasons. But it is possible to fight it in a simple way.

Woman with cellulite (

Water retention, is the nightmare of many women, and even of some men. Water retention can be a real nuisance, leaving us with a sense of heaviness, swelling and various discomforts.

Fortunately, there are some highly effective products that can help us quickly get rid of this annoying problem. It can affect people of all ages, although there are certain periods of life in which it is more frequent. Such as adolescence or when menopause occurs.

But in general, water retention is a very common phenomenon and can be caused by various reasons. The main ones are due for example to hormonal imbalances. Imbalances in female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, can cause fluid buildup, especially before your period or during pregnancy.

Incorrect diet. Excessive consumption of salt, refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and alcohol can promote water retention, causing bloating and heaviness. To sedentary lifestyle and poor circulation. Lack of physical activity and poor blood and lymph circulation can prevent fluids from draining properly.

Water retention, what are the causes

Water retention (

Kidney or thyroid problems, pregnancy and menstrual cycle, the use of certain drugs such as painkillers, antidepressants and oral contraceptives can also affect water balance. Without forgetting stress and inflammation.

High levels of stress and chronic inflammatory processes in the body can contribute to fluid accumulation. By following a healthy and balanced lifestyle, combined with the natural remedies we have talked about, you can achieve lasting results.

And there are also specific foods and body products to take to counteract and reduce water retention.

Draining Diuretic Tea
Diuretic teas based on herbs such as dandelion, nettle and birch are real allies against water retention. They promote the elimination of excess fluids, draining the tissues in a delicate and natural way.

Drena-Slim supplement
Supplements based on plant extracts such as horsetail, purifiers and antioxidants such as vitamin C, help reduce swelling and improve lymphatic drainage. Excellent for quick and long-lasting deflation.

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The body products to use

Anti-cellulite gel cream
The anti-inflammatory and firming gel creams, containing caffeine, centella and bladderwrack, stimulate microcirculation and the drainage of excess liquids. Ideal for treating legs and areas at risk of cellulite.

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Lymphatic drainage massage
A professional draining massage is able to accelerate lymphatic flow, promoting the elimination of excess fluids and the reabsorption of swelling.

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Draining foods
Don’t underestimate the power of naturally diuretic foods like cucumbers, pineapple, lemon, fennel and blueberries. Including them in your daily diet helps to effectively reduce water retention.

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