Stomach Cancer: Identifying Early Symptoms

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric carcinoma, represents a significant challenge in early diagnosis due to its often asymptomatic nature in the early stages. However, the recognized by some early symptoms can play a crucial role in improving the chances of treatment and survival. In this article, we will explore the initial symptoms of stomach cancer, causes, risk factors, and available screening options.


Gastric cancer remains one of the most dangerous forms of cancer due to its tendency to remain undiagnosed until it reaches an advanced stage. Identifying early signs is critical to initiating timely intervention.

Early Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Initial Warning Signs

THE warning signs Stomach cancer can be subtle and often confused with common gastrointestinal disorders. Among these, the most relevant include:

  • Dyspepsia and epigastric pain: Burning sensations or pain in the upper abdomen may be among the first signs.
  • Early satiety: The feeling of being full after eating only a small amount of food.
  • Unexplained weight loss: Significant weight loss for no apparent reason can be an early indicator.
  • Nausea and vomit: Especially if they persist and are accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Retrosternal pain: Pain or discomfort behind the breastbone, often associated with swallowing.

Less Common but Significant Symptoms

Other symptoms that are less common but may suggest the presence of stomach cancer include:

  • Anemia and chronic fatigue: Caused by blood loss which may not be visible in the stool.
  • Changes in bowel habits: Including change in stool consistency or presence of occult blood.
  • Diffuse abdominal pain: Which can get worse over time.

Diagnosis and Screening

Diagnostic tests

Early diagnosis is crucial to increase survival. The most common tests for diagnosing stomach cancer include:

  • Endoscopy and biopsy: To directly visualize the stomach mucosa and take samples of suspicious tissue.
  • Test for occult blood in feces: May suggest the presence of internal bleeding.
  • Blood tests: To check for signs of anemia or other signs that may suggest the presence of cancer.

Screening Options

Although there is no routine screening for stomach cancer, more careful surveillance may be recommended in high-risk individuals (for example, those with a family history of gastric cancer or previous Helicobacter pylori infection).


Understanding and recognizing the early symptoms of stomach cancer can save lives. It is essential not to ignore the initial signs and consult a doctor for a thorough and timely evaluation. Taking preventative measures, such as managing your diet and eliminating smoking, can also reduce your risk of developing this disease.


  1. What is the most common symptom of stomach cancer in its early stages? Dyspepsia and epigastric pain are among the most common symptoms in the early stages of stomach cancer.
  2. How can stomach cancer be diagnosed early? Endoscopy and biopsy are essential for the early diagnosis of stomach cancer.
  3. What are the main risk factors for stomach cancer? Risk factors include a diet low in fruits and vegetables, smoking, obesity, and a history of Helicobacter pylori infection.
  4. Is there a way to prevent stomach cancer? Preventing stomach cancer may include measures such as maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and treating Helicobacter pylori infections promptly.
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