A2A Energia, the merger with Lumenergia will be completed on 1 July

A2A Energia, the merger with Lumenergia will be completed on 1 July
A2A Energia, the merger with Lumenergia will be completed on 1 July

Brescia. From 1 July 2024, Lumenergia will complete its merger with the Group A2A, which thus strengthens its commitment to the territory and the community of Val Trompia.
With integration into the Group, to the users currently served the continuity of the service offered will be guaranteed, keeping the electricity and natural gas supply contracts unchanged, as well as those relating to energy efficiency services.
Users will also be able to benefit from the new opportunities offered by the synergy with A2A, which, through A2A Energia, will be able to ensure high standards of quality and reliability, as well as new services with high added value for families and businesses. The operation will in fact make it possible to enhance the excellence of both companies and offer access to innovative solutions, products and services for the home, businesses and electric mobility, so as to satisfy and anticipate customer needs.

Consumers involved in the switch will receive a communication with the details of the operation in the next few days. Customers coming from Lumenergia will have immediate access to the customer area accessible from the A2A Energia website and to the MyA2A App; in this transition phase, they will still be able to continue to access their customer area on the Lumenergia website for a few months.
Finally, there will also be news regarding the branches present in the area. The Lumezzane branch, in Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, will become an “A2A Space” to which a new “A2A Space” will be added in Sarezzo, in Piazza Borgo Bailo 2.
For further information or needs, you can contact the numbers 02 82841510 or 800 199 955 or visit the websites www.a2a.it, www.lumenergia.it

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