Prevention: the results of research by Cittadinanzattiva Lazio

A work conducted by Cittadinanzattiva Laziopresented in Rome on 12 June, aimed to investigate the state of knowledge – both of citizens and health workers – of the value of preventionwith particular regard to vaccinations in adulthood.

Insufficient information

A central theme addressed by the survey is that relating to correct information on vaccines, their effectiveness, safety, quality and possible side effects.

From the questionnaires collected it emerged that almost a third of citizens, equal to 30.6%, declared that they had not been correctly informed on available vaccines; it is usually the vaccination center staff (52.6%) who provide the information, followed by the general practitioner (24.2%). The two vaccinations of greatest interest were anti-Covid-19 (45%) and anti-flu (29%).

Likewise, the investigation conducted highlighted numerous critical issues relating to poor information on adult vaccinations: availability, places and ways to undergo vaccination, possible side effects and management of the same.

Lack of information is in fact one of the main reasons discouraging citizens from vaccination; followed by fear of potential side effects and often contradictory information.

Among the requests, those for information materials on the topic (it is the second item with a maximum score of 5 on a scale of 1 to 5, surpassed only by the active call).

As far as health workers are concerned, they believe that among the main reasons that discourage people from getting vaccinated are, in order:fear of contraindications and side effects, poor information, little trust in vaccines e contradictory information.

As for the proposals, healthcare professionals favor an individual conversation with the general practitionerinformation campaigns on the main media and conversations with vaccination center staff.


The analysis highlights that in terms of distance, the prevalent response is that the vaccination center is ‘on average close’.

The places that are most popular with citizens for carrying out vaccinations are, in order: lgeneral practitioner’s surgery, the pharmacy and the workplace, a trend also confirmed by healthcare workers, which underlines the importance of proximity.

Focus Herpes Zoster: the level of knowledge of citizens

Knowledge of Herpes Zoster, its symptoms, complications, its presence within the LEAs – Essential Levels of Assistance– 74.3% do not know that vaccination is an LEA – is generally unsatisfactory.

In fact, the majority of citizens responded that they found the information relating to the effects of herpes zoster online or on social media and only secondarily, and at a great distance, from their general practitioner.

Healthcare professionals know the pathology in detail; however, 56.6% are not aware of the conditions of free vaccination based on age cohorts and disease risk.

Prevention: central but lacking

In general, therefore, an awareness emerges regarding the importance of prevention for public health which, however, in practice translates into shortcomings, delays and misinformation, highlighting the need to build alliances between healthcare institutions, operators and citizens.

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