How to clean awnings with DIY remedies or products — idealista/news

How to clean awnings with DIY remedies or products — idealista/news
How to clean awnings with DIY remedies or products — idealista/news

There cleaning of awnings it is a fundamental operation to preserve its appearance and functionality over time. To ensure optimal results, it is important to use appropriate methods and products that do not damage the fabric. This process includes removing dust, washing with mild cleaning solutions, and thoroughly rinsing to remove any residue. In addition to the do it yourself methods, such as using neutral soap and water or white vinegar, there are specific products on the market that offer complete cleaning. A regular maintenance allows you to avoid the accumulation of dirt and the formation of mould, prolonging the life of the curtains.

What to use to wash curtains?

Cleaning curtains is essential for maintaining a healthy and pleasant home environment: although there are numerous discounts available for the purchase of these devices, it is essential to take good care of them.

They exist for washing curtains different methods and products that can be used for this purpose. Alternatively, the rimedi do it yourself to clean curtains they represent an economical and ecological solution:

  • water and neutral soap: A solution of warm water and mild soap is suitable for most curtains. Simply immerse the curtains in a basin with this solution and leave them to soak for about 30 minutes. Next, rub gently with a soft sponge, rinse thoroughly and let air dry;
  • White vinegar: it is an excellent natural disinfectant and can be used to eliminate odors and mold from curtains. Add a cup of white vinegar to the wash water, soak for 30 minutes, then rinse and dry;
  • bicarbonate: It is effective for removing persistent stains and odors. Prepare a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the stains, leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash as usual;
  • lemon juice: it is a precious ally for whitening yellowed curtains and for its antibacterial action. Mix the juice of two lemons with a cup of hot water and spray the solution on the curtains, leaving it to act for a few hours before rinsing;

Alongside do-it-yourself remedies, it is also worth considering the possibility of buy products specific for washing curtains: the latter are formulated to be safe on delicate fabrics and to offer deep cleaning without damaging the fibres. Usually, curtain cleaning products are:

  • delicate detergents: formulated to clean effectively without causing discoloration or damage to fabrics;
  • anti-stain spray: useful for treating the most difficult stains before washing;
  • anti-mold solutions: designed to eliminate mold and prevent its reappearance, particularly useful for curtains exposed to humid environments.

Cleaning awnings: a remedy for every situation

Cleaning awnings is essential to keep them in excellent condition and ensure their durability over time. Each situation requires a specific approach: from white PVC curtains, which require gentle detergents to avoid yellowing, to mold removal, which may require the use of bleach-based solutions. Additionally, cleaning bird guano, a common problem for outdoor blinds, also needs to be addressed with specific products to avoid damage to the fabric.

Clean PVC awnings

The PVC awnings Whites require regular cleaning to maintain their shine and prevent yellowing. Here are the recommended steps:

  • dust removal: Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove dust and debris from the surface of the tent;
  • wash with neutral soap: prepare a solution of warm water and neutral soap. Use a soft sponge to apply the solution to the curtain, rubbing gently in circular motions;
  • Flushing: rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue, which could leave streaks;
  • drying: Let the curtain dry completely before rolling it up to avoid mold formation.

Removing mold from awnings

There mold It’s a common problem for awnings, especially in humid areas. To remove mold, after wearing gloves, you can follow these steps:

  • prepare the cleaning solution: Mix one part bleach with four parts water. This solution is effective at removing mold and, at the same time, also eliminating any green stains it may leave behind. Alternatively you can choose specific products;
  • apply the product: Use a sponge or spray to apply the solution to the mold-affected area. Leave to act for about 15 minutes;
  • to brush: Run a soft-bristled brush to remove mold. Avoid tools with bristles that are too hard as they could damage the fabric, causing small abrasions;
  • rinse and dry: wipe the surface with clean water and let it dry completely.

You may have to repeat the treatment a couple of times to completely remove the mold from your awnings. In any case, it is recommended to intervene when the surface is completely dry.

How to remove guano from awnings

The bird guano it is an acid and can damage awnings if not removed promptly. To do this you need:

  • use a plastic spatula or paper to remove dried guano without scratching the surface;
  • prepare a mixture of warm water and neutral soap. For more stubborn stains, add a little white vinegar;
  • apply the solution on the affected area with a soft sponge and leave to act for a few minutes;
  • use a soft bristle brush to remove guano residue;
  • rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or allow to air dry.

How to clean external roller blinds

In this type of tent it is essential to carefully remove all debris that could compromise the fabric of the tent when it is rolled up. Furthermore, it is suggested to use a soft sponge or a microfibre cloth to apply the cleaning solution to the curtain and then gently clean the surface in circular motions to remove any dirt. For stubborn stains, you may need to let the solution sit for a few minutes before scrubbing.

As with other types of blinds, periodic maintenance is essential for roller blinds and before putting them away: to keep them in good condition, you need to take care of cleaning at least twice a year, or more frequently if the weather conditions are particularly adverse. Additionally, you should lubricate the winding mechanisms according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper operation.

Clean awnings without dismantling them

One of the issues that may cause the most concern is how to clean awnings without dismantling them? Although the actual cleaning procedure is similar to that of other awnings, it is essential, before starting, to ensure that the area under the tent is free of objects which may be damaged by water or detergent. It is advisable to fully extend the tent to expose the entire surface to be cleaned.

Once the treatment has been completed, it is recommended to reassemble the tent while it is still damp so that, with the draft, it can dry as best as possible. Any finishing or removal of more stubborn stains can also be carried out when the surface is mounted.

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