Covid vaccines are not linked to a significant increase in serious diseases

According to some Facebook shares, a large study would link Covid vaccines to a reported increase in serious heart and brain diseases. As we will see, this is a distorted narrative specifically to wink at anti-vax readers, while the source cited claims the exact opposite.

For those in a hurry:

  • According to two English-speaking tabloids, a large study demonstrates that Covid vaccines are linked to a significant increase in heart and brain diseases.
  • In reality, the study suggests a correlation with some rare cases, which are irrelevant compared to the risk of having the same complications when ill with Covid-19, especially in the severe forms.
  • The study therefore confirms the safety of vaccines and the greater danger faced by those who do not get vaccinated.


The caption that accompanies these shares regarding a link between Covid vaccines and the increase in dangerous pathologies is the following:

Hyenas say vaccines saved us. What we show you are the increases in pathologies officially related to vaccines.
Consider that the statistics are largely based on reports received from doctors and injured parties. I’ll let you imagine how distorted these data are.
⚡We go from approximately 700% increase in pericarditis after Astrazeneca to 610% in myocarditis after Moderna.
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