we wanted a project that never started”

we wanted a project that never started”
we wanted a project that never started”

Latest football – L’Aurelio De Laurentiis by Max Giusti has a language that mixes the refined and the scurrilous, while the plot has two fixed points: the phone call from the butler Adalberto and the unlikely anecdote about American stars in which Boldi appears, inevitably. These are his statements to the microphones of the Corriere del Mezzogiorno, online edition:

Max Giusti on the imitation of De Laurentiis

How was De Laurentiis born?
“I happened to meet him several times on vacation, we even had some meetings together for a project that never came to fruition. I think he is one of the people with the most interesting and fascinating eloquence I have ever met. I would come out of those meetings and mess around with friends and it was natural for me to imitate him.”

The voice, the makeup: you are identical.
“The first time I transformed into him I had a thrill because I realized that I had completely annulled myself, I’m not saying that it was like living a mystical experience because if I did I would seem crazy. The fact is that I become a third entity: I am neither the real De Laurentiis, but I am not even me anymore; I am a combination of me and what I imagine of him.”

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