Emma Marrone after routine medical checks: «I cry with joy»

Couldn’t be happier, Emma Brownwho after her routine medical checks updated fans on her health conditions: «Today my friend van took me first to Bologna, I had the check-up. Everything is fine. I cry with joy.” the singer wrote on Instagram. «I’m celebrating tonight in Reggio Emilia. I will sing with all my heart for today’s good news.”

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In Reggio Emilia the singer performed in Piazza della Vittoria, Tuesday 25 June, in a show full of energy and enthralling music, the first stage of the **Radio Bruno Estate. **The singer also recalled the importance of prevention, a topic that is particularly dear to her since, at a very young age, she fell ill with uterine cancer: «I recommend that you always get checked and don’t neglect your health. With immense love.” Today Emma is well and continues to undergo regular check-ups, which are fundamental for anyone, not just those who have been ill.

Emma Marrone experienced cancer at 24, and then got sick again. She herself made the announcement in 2019, when she was forced to suspend her work commitments for a period: «I promise you that I will come back stronger than before! There are too many beautiful things to experience together. Now I’ll settle the accounts once and for all with this story and then I’ll come back to you”, her words.

Then the rebirth and the great desire for motherhood, despite the removal of the ovaries. And for this dream of hers she was often attacked by haters. «I didn’t have time to freeze the eggs but I might still be able to have children. I have a uterus”he recently explained to Hyenas. Not impossible, although in Italy things are complicated due to the absence of a partner and the only viable path for single women remains abroad. «An enormous piece of bullshit. I am 39 years old and have all the tools to be a mother: economic, psychological, family support, but since I don’t have a partner I don’t have the right to become a mother“, her words. Her goal – she always said on that occasion – is to realize herself, certainly not to find a man, a basic prerequisite for then thinking about a family, be it homo-parental or a couple project. And it certainly doesn’t mean that if you are unlucky in love you should give up on becoming parents a priori.

Emma was often disappointed with her feelings. Before her, her story with Stefano De Martino, who left her for Belén Rodriguez, and then her story with Marco Bocci, now married to Laura Chiatti. A distant past. The future, however, is still full of possibilities.

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