The last one to become a father, the post after the kiss on his partner’s belly at the Olimpico: «Now enough bullshit Niccolò» – Photos and video

The last one to become a father, the post after the kiss on his partner’s belly at the Olimpico: «Now enough bullshit Niccolò» – Photos and video
The last one to become a father, the post after the kiss on his partner’s belly at the Olimpico: «Now enough bullshit Niccolò» – Photos and video

The announcement came in front of tens of thousands of people, on the most important stage for him, that of his hometown Rome, while he was doing what he loves: singing. Ultimo, the stage name of 28-year-old Niccolò Moriconi, during the Roman date of his tour at the Olympic Stadium he got down on his knees in front of his partner Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo and kissed her belly, just mentioned, to make everyone understand who will soon become a father. A few hours later, Ultimo returned home and was unable to sleep. Too many emotions, even for someone like him who, although very young and basically shy, is used to performing on important stages. And so, at the end of a sleepless night, he used words again to tell those hundreds of thousands of strangers, a family that follows him, listens to him and admires him, what was on his mind. «My head is flying. He goes here and there without finding peace, I toss and turn in bed without being able to fall asleep. I tell myself Niccolò, just close your eyes, but your heart is fast and your mind flies. I continue to see your eyes, your tears, your smiles. I turn the light back on. I sit in bed”, he writes in the post, “”Silence can now speak”, comes to mind. A deafening silence, after 3 nights in a row in the stadium of my city. I go downstairs and prepare some chamomile tea. While the water boils I look into the void ahead of me, I think of a man who, hugging his son, sang “I dedicate silence to you” and cried, and then I cry too. The water quivers and I turn off the heat. My mind doesn’t stop.”

The sleepless night and the promise

Ultimo wanders around the house, still full of adrenaline and the colors and lights of the concert that ended a few hours ago. «I close my eyes and I can’t find peace again. I get up. I light a cigarette. Now that I’m about to become a dad, I really want to stop, I tell myself. Enough bullshit Niccolò”, is the warning to himself, before starting to imagine what he will be like as his son, his insecurities and his passions. «Who knows if he too will have a piano as a sweet friend, I’m starting to think. Actually no, probably no matter how much music he hears in the house, he will end up hating it. Who knows if he will be on the sidelines at school like me or not. I put out the cigarette and think that I won’t force him to study piano. My ears ring in the silence while Rome remains lit to lull me”, the singer-songwriter continues to ask himself, “if he tells me that he wants to become a space engineer, I will tell him fly. If he wants to become a doctor, I will thank him for life as a good hypochondriac. If he wants to work in a bar I’ll tell him I’ll go get coffee from him every morning if he wants. If during adolescence at school they call me saying: “His son has his mind in the air”, I will smile and I will know who he got it from. I take the phone and look at that father while he sings. I dedicate silence to you with his son hugging each other crying. I get emotional again and I say to myself: You taught me the word LOVE.”

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