Alessandro Borghese goes crazy because there is no cape, loses his mind and chases him

Alessandro Borghese goes crazy because there is no cape, loses his mind and chases him
Alessandro Borghese goes crazy because there is no cape, loses his mind and chases him

Alessandro Borghese loses his mind because there is no cape and starts chasing him. Here’s what happened to the famous chef.

Alessandro Borghese is a chef who became famous by hosting many television programs dedicated to cooking. He has been cultivating his passion since he was 18 years old. At the time, after graduating from the International School of Rome, he decides to pack his bags and board cruise ships in which it begins to first work as a dishwasher And then as assistant cook And later as a chef.

Alessandro Borghese loses his head and chases him –

Upon his return to Italy he also attended a sommelier course. Before making his debut in 2005 as a judge on the first edition of Courtesies for guests, works in some restaurants in Rome and Milan. But 2006 was the year in which one of his dreams came true. founding The taste of simplicity, his catering company dedicated to private and public events.

A brand that in 2017 also transforms into a restaurant in Milan. Over the years, Alessandro has become a very well-known face in the world of TV with programs such as Cook with Ale, Off the menu, Junior MasterChef Italia And KitchenSound without forgetting the most famous Alessandro Borghese-4 Restaurants. In the last period his name has been placed alongside that of another well-known face, although it seems that things are not going as expected between the two.

Alessandro Borghese loses his mind and chases the famous singer

Since he is a very well-known face, it often happens that Alessandro Borghese comes invited as a guest in other programs. This is what happened for the podcast hosted by Fabio Rovazzi and Marco Mazzoli.

Borghese loses his mind and chases him – instagram source @borgheseale –

It’s about the program 2046_podcast. And in the moment when Rovazzi was showing the famous chef the location where the podcast would be filmed, Alessandro immediately noticed that the hood was missing.

And from there the two they started arguingalways in a fun way, as the hood is an element that the chef must never miss. But, since it was only a podcast, Rovazzi continued to insist, trying to make him understand that this was an element that was not needed.

At a certain point the singer began to run away because he knew that Alessandro Borghese would chase him. In short, in the end a hilarious scene emerged, which amused the fans of the podcast.

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