Belen Rodriguez, never seen like this: on social media in a new guise, the storm breaks out

Belen Rodriguez showed herself on social media as she had never done before, the Argentine show girl showed a brand new side of herself.

Belen Rodriguez showed a completely new version of herself and users on social media went wild with one rain of terrible criticism. The show girl probably never imagined receiving so many attacks. She was certainly convinced that her followers would appreciate her, but that wasn’t the case.

Unpublished dress by Belen Rodriguez, never seen like this –

The beautiful Argentinean has now been away from television for a year. Apart from some hosted and participation in Celebrity Huntedwe haven’t seen her in any program and now she has decided to show the activity to which she has dedicated herself up to this moment. However, those who follow her don’t seem to like this.

Belen Rodriguez chooses music: rain of criticism against her new activity

Belen Rodriguez, despite being far from the small screen, has still been very busy from a work point of view. The show girl has decided to dedicate herself to other projects, such as creating a exclusive line of products for make-up “Rebeya”. At the same time he has not abandoned his passion for singing and decided to record his first single.

Belen Rodriguez records a song, the insults arrive (Photo IG @belenrodriguezreal) –

Everyone knows how much Belen loves to sing, he often does it with his father Gustavo, just think that at home he has a station specifically created for this passion of his, complete with piano and microphone. This time, however, he got serious and published the single from the title “The day that I wanted” (The day you want me) and he did just that to promote her make-up line.

Which was not appreciated by many on social media. There is who accused her of having nothing else to invent to get attention, who asked her if she was broke and who told her that she was now “dead”. In short, the public does not seem to like Belen’s version as a singer, which will not have pleased Rodriguez.

The show girl, in addition to having created a new brand, he also purchased a mega house in Milan where he is about to move. A penthouse much larger than the apartment she has lived in until now, with a large terrace that runs alongside the entire house, in one of the most exclusive buildings in Milan. A gift that she wanted to give herself after many years of hard work.

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