Raimondo Todaro and Francesca Tocca, the special achievement of their daughter Jasmine

Raimondo Todaro and Francesca Tocca, the special achievement of their daughter Jasmine
Raimondo Todaro and Francesca Tocca, the special achievement of their daughter Jasmine

The years also pass for Raimondo Todaro and Francesca Tocca who are watching their daughter become a young lady.

Shot of love between the famous dancer of dancing with the StarsRaimondo Todaro, e his partner Francesca Tocca. The two are a happy couple who for some time have opened the doors of their hearts to little Jasmine, their daughter who for a few hours has been driving the people of the web crazy with her tenderness.

Raimondo Todaro, shot with his wife and daughter – (Photo: Ansa) – Ilciriaco.it

When he is not busy with his family Todaro is a dance teacher and today he is the protagonist of the talent show Friends. A format that also allowed her partner to emerge, confirmed as a professional dancer thanks to the broadcast hosted by Maria De Filippi. Dancing was therefore an important medium for the two over time they found the right harmony.

The couple has been together for years, they met when he was just 18 and she was just 16, and in all these years they have managed to make things work. The secret? Few spotlights, a lot of time spent at each other’s side and a beautiful daughter who enchanted everyone through their parents’ official social networks.

Raimondo and Francesca moved by Jasmine, fans in a frenzy

The more the little girl from the Todaro-Tocca family grows, the more she will be called upon to achieve important goals. Just like the recent one that saw their daughter finally finish primary school, starting next year it will be time to go to middle school for her who is slowly becoming a young lady. Many smiles and moved eyes for the couple who did everything to give Jasmine so much happiness.

Here is Jasmine, the daughter of Raimondo Todaro and Francesca Tocca – (Photo: Instagram @todaroraimondo) – Ilciriaco.it

Over the years there has been no shortage of arguments and estrangements between Raimondo and Francesca who were very young when love blossomed. Then, when they too grew up, they were thrown into a reality they barely knew and this caused them more than a little turbulence. Everything went on until the arrival of Jasmine who pushed the couple to think differently.

Exactly when the two seemed on the verge of separating, their daughter was already a few years old, the two decided to make a further attempt for the child’s sake. Judging by how they are today, the choice made seems to have been a winning one. It was Todaro himself who recounted the delicate moments, Jasmine’s father who now wants to enjoy as much family time as possible.

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