“Envious people condemn themselves” – Il Tempo

“Asia I saw your video and you are very good! Congratulations for your strength and best wishes. Sergio Mattarella”. The President of the Republic took to Instagram to comment on the video of a sick little girl. Suffering from a tumor and forced to undergo continuous treatment, the 14-year-old girl is surrounded by the affection of the doctors and employees of the Santobono Pausilipon hospital in Naples, but she is also the target of haters. It was the same hospital that released a video in which the girl plays the piano. This touching story was chosen by Bianca Berlinguer to begin her weekly conversation with Mauro Corona. “They wrote some crazy mean things to her. How is it possible? So much meanness, protected by anonymity. They don’t sign their name and surname”, said the presenter, addressing her regular guest.

“I will always repeat ‘The world is beautiful and ferocious’. These people have problems with their lives, with their problems, with their discomfort”, declared Corona. Then, thinking of the little girl in the viral video, he continued: “I recommend that you not feel offended and let these emotions flow. Woe betide if we fall into the trap of feeling beaten. Let’s not give them satisfaction because they are like envious people, they condemn themselves” . “They are already punishing themselves. They have anger, envy. They are already punishing themselves. Insults come to me. I laugh about it, I drink a good glass of wine”, added the mountaineer.

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