Paolo Bonolis found out from the newspapers: “they are dating in secret” | Sonia Bruganelli now consoles herself with him

Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli –

The truth about Sonia Bruganelli and the person she secretly sees. Paolo Bonolis found out about it from the newspapers, what will he think?

Since they decided to announce the end of their love which lasted almost 30 years, Paolo Bonolis And Sonia Bruganelli they are particularly followed by paparazzi who try to steal any secret flirtations.

A love, theirs, made public in 1997, crowned by marriage five years later and cheered by the birth of 3 children: Silvia, Davide And Adele.

As public figures as they are, they have always tried to live their relationship in such a way as not to give rise to gossip. In fact, in all these years they have maintained, at least in their private lives, a certain privacy.

They met when she was 26 and he was 36. He was fresh out of a divorce with already 2 other children. But the love that bound them for all these years was great and profound. Two intelligent people who loved each other, and as intelligent people they broke up.

Paolo Bonolis: the truth about Sonia Bruganelli

When the rumors about the separation began to circulate between Paolo Bonolis And Sonia Bruganelli, in 2022, the two categorically denied that there was a crisis between them. Except then, a few months later, to admit who would have liked to announce it in their own time. And so it was.

The love is over, they declared, but the esteem and affection remain unchanged. And if on the one hand the woman spoke of souls that can never truly separate, on the other Paul stated that he had a little right away the decision of the now ex-wife. And today it seems that she has already found a new company, at least according to what some newspapers announce. And that’s how she found out Bonolis?

Rosica’s statements –

Who is she dating?

The weekly Who a few weeks ago he published some images of Sonia Bruganelli pizzicata with the dancer of Dancing with the Stars Angelo Madonia. In addition to having been seen on the streets of Rome, it seems that they first went to Spain. But the ex-wife of Bonolis to Casa Chi she explained that she went to Spain for business, for a future project, as an entrepreneur. While he always a Who he said: “She’s a dear friend, I haven’t known her for a long time, but she’s a very nice and intelligent person. We met in Spain because she came to see Bailando. She was with other people, we were in a group. We have mutual friends.” Scaling the thing down.

But now there is someone who insists, that is Alessandro Rosica, the gossip expert. the social investigator, who announces on his social networks: “Exclusive. Sonia Bruganelli and the dancer Angelo Madonia have been dating in secret for months. They themselves revealed it to close friends, while they tell newspapers that they are just friends. What do you think of this new couple/special friends?”. And what will he think Paolo Bonolis?

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