Tax return deadline 2024, taxes and settlement: things are still changing

Tax return deadline 2024, taxes and settlement: things are still changing
Tax return deadline 2024, taxes and settlement: things are still changing

Tax return deadline to the October 31, 2024to allow more time for VAT numbers for joining the agreed biennial budget.

Still on the front of the pact between the tax authorities and VAT numbers, news is also arriving on the front of payment of taxes. The corrective decree on which the MEF is working should confirm the possibility of deferral with an increase of 0.40 percentin parallel with the introduction of a flat tax for the calculation of the second down payment of November.

It’s not just the fiscal calendar that is among the central issues of the week that is about to end.

On June 6th the social card 2024the best known “Dedicated to you” card for which a new tranche of 500 euros will be provided in September for approximately 1.3 million families. All on the eve of European electionswhich on the tax front sees the majority of parties converge on the objective of combating tax havens.

Tax return deadline 2024, taxes and settlement: things are still changing

The first should arrive in the Council of Ministers next week corrective decree on tax reformwhich among the new features will redefine the deadlines for the biennial preventive agreement just a few days after the launch of the new compliance tool.

According to time line scheduled to date, from June 15th we will start with the sending of the data to the Revenue Agency and with the first registrations. A timeline that should not be postponed.

The expected corrective measures aim to extend the time available for VAT numbers to evaluate the convenience or otherwise of the agreement proposed by the Tax Office: the final deadline could pass from 15 to 31 Octoberdate to also be marked on the front of the tax return submission.

A brace of innovations in the pipeline also on the manufacturing front payment of taxes emerged from the tax return.

For all VAT numbers in possession of the requirements for access to the biennial composition with creditors, the possibility of carrying out the payments with an increase of 0.40 percent within thirty days following the July 31st deadline for the balance and first deposit.

Specific news coming soon for those who join the agreement: we are moving towards a flat tax on the difference between the agreed income and that used as the basis of calculation for the payment of the first advance.

The work to start one of the pieces of the tax reform is therefore still underway, and the chaos risk is around the corner. To date There are no certain rules for VAT numbers and, among other things, the MEF decrees are still awaited with the methodologies for calculating the income from the composition and for the exceptional causes that will allow withdrawal from the plan with the tax authorities.

The 2024 social card is underway: 500 euros arriving in September

Week full of news also on the work front and, among these, the most important is certainly related to the launch of the 2024 card dedicated to you.

On 6 June the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida, together with the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Elvira Calderone, with the presence of the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Maria Teresa Bellucci, and of the INPS President Gabriele Fava, presented the social card.

The families with ISEE up to 15,000 euros and in priority conditions within their territory of reference they will receive an amount equal to 500 euros, to be used for food, petrol and transport expenses.

However, the new social card will not arrive immediately: we will have to wait until September and in any case it will not be necessary to submit an application.

The municipalities, together with INPS, will identify the group of beneficiaries, taking into account the following requirements:

  • be holders of an Ordinary ISEE with a value not exceeding 15,000 euros;
  • have all members registered in the Resident Population Registry.

Prepaid cards will be assigned according to a order of priority to families with at least three members, taking into account the year of birth:

  • maximum priority when there is a boy or girl born before December 31, 2010;
  • then we will move on to families with boys and girls born before 31 December 2006;
  • and to follow all the others.

Under equal conditions, priority will always be given to those with the lowest ISEE.

European elections 2024, the fight against tax havens unites the Right and the Left

There’s time until 11pm on June 9th to cast your vote forelection of the 76 members of the European Parliament due to Italy.

Taxation is also at the center of the programs of the main parties, with the unanimous request for greater fairness in taxation in the various EU countries.

The parties converge on the need to fight tax havens, but not only. The electoral programs also find space for the construction of a community fiscal policy as well as the redistribution of wealth.

Objectives that the parties of the Right and the Left have in common, but with different implementation recipes. The actual proposals that will arrive at the table of the new EU Parliament will therefore depend on the choice of voters and voters.

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