Defective airbags and “stopped” cars. Codacons prepares appeals to the Justice of the Peace for compensation for damages

Defective airbags and “stopped” cars. Codacons prepares appeals to the Justice of the Peace for compensation for damages
Defective airbags and “stopped” cars. Codacons prepares appeals to the Justice of the Peace for compensation for damages

The case of the defective airbags is taking center stage and Codacons intervenes in the matter and prepares appeals to the Justice of the Peace to protect motorists dealing with this issue. This is what the consumer association states: “With the communication sent to the owners of the C3 and DS3 cars inviting them not to use the car, the company in formally asking the latter not to use the car, awaiting a recall to the workshop for the replacement or adjustment of the dangerous airbag, may be sentenced not only to pay compensation for damages but also to provide reimbursement for all the costs that consumers will have to bear to get to work or carry out any other travel, expenses such as public transport season tickets, any car rental contracts or taxi transport costs which concern themselves and their family members who used the stopped car”.

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The Codacons note continues: “This is necessary because if with that communication the manufacturing company, which marketed the car, wants to protect itself from any consequences linked to accidents resulting from the malfunctioning of the airbags, the consumers who will continue to use the cars expose themselves, at this point, to the risk of lack of insurance coverage in the event of accidents linked in some way to the malfunctioning of said equipment if, following an accident, they cause damage to their car or themselves or damage to third parties, taking into account that in in such cases the insurance company, despite paying the claim, could later try to claim compensation against the insured who used a car for which he received instructions not to use it from the parent company”.

According to the association “consumers will be able to ask the Justice of the Peace for reimbursement of the costs incurred to be able to take advantage of any alternative mobility to that of the stopped car and obviously compensation for damages which will be quantified on an equitable basis by the Judge for all serious inconveniences resulting from this situation. Anyone wishing to initiate compensation action can contact Codacons either by contacting the national headquarters of the association or, as regards Emilia Romagna, the territorial offices and the regional headquarters by calling 800 050800 or 051 31.26. .11 or by writing to [email protected]”.

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