They make you vomit as soon as you get on board: hang in there, the solution is there and you don’t have to suffer anymore

A little girl suffering from motion sickness – source stock.adobe –

Here are the best tips to prevent your children (or adults) from suffering from car sickness: it doesn’t take much to avoid one of the typical problems in summer, when we face long journeys to our holiday destinations.

Unfortunately, not all of us tolerate car journeys in the same way. It may happen that someone, in particular i childrensuffer the car sickness. We are talking about a problem that is much more common than one might imagine and not only among children, but also among adults. For many, taking a trip by car (especially if in the mountains, among steep bends and bends), is a real challenge nightmare.

Now that the summer holidays are approaching, the problem of car sickness returns to make itself felt in a significant way for many motorists. It is a disorder caused by the hypersensitivity of the balance center, the repeated solicitation of which causes malaise which leads to nausea, cold sweats and paleness up to vomitwhich is also what helps you feel better.

To solve the problem, at least in children, There are some simple remedies and tricks to follow that allow you to prevent your child from getting sick while you are driving.

The remedies to follow if your child suffers from car sickness

Preventing your child from getting sick is also important for making journeys more peaceful. For this reason we recommend that you undertake the journey when the child is still young sleepbut also of maintain a smooth ride without too much acceleration or deceleration. Keeping the interior cool with air conditioning is essential to prevent your child from getting sick, as well as avoid strong odors or stale air.

In addition, the child should always be entertained with music, games or talk, to keep him watching after you. Also, one stopover every two or three hours helps you tolerate the journey better.

How to solve car sickness in children – source stock.adobe –

And for the more difficult cases? Use this product

If despite these tricks the child continues to feel bad, then you have to turn to strong ways that will help you solve even the most difficult cases. In fact, doctors recommend using some dimenhydrinate-based drugswhich is effective for motion sickness and should be taken about half an hour before leaving.

It is available in both soft capsules and chewing gum (in this case, it is to be taken when symptoms appear), but it is not to be given to children under two years of age.

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