Car tax exemption, check these numbers now: they are inherent to the budget law | Many motorists are celebrating

Goodbye car

You may no longer have to pay the tax due to the budget law, check these data and you are exempt. Motorists celebrating.

The cost of living continues to increase and, as if that weren’t enough, more and more taxes are popping up that didn’t exist before and which become obligatory for everyone, going to weigh even more on Italians’ wallets.

Although there are some concessionsthese often are difficult to ask or in any case they only apply to a very small part of the population, and in the end they are not even that advantageous.

Now, however, thanks to the new budget law, Italians and in particular car owners can finally say goodbye to road tax and save yourself a lot of money, keeping it aside for more useful purchases.

Simply check these details and you can request the exemption immediately. Goodbye much hated tax: from now on you will no longer be obliged to pay the tax and you will have one less worry.

The weight of the stamp

As we know well, the cost of the tax increases as the kW of the machine increases and changes according to the vehicle category. The more polluting and more powerful vehicles, therefore, have a higher road tax cost than small cars with reduced emissions. The increase in the cost of road tax that we have noticed in recent years is due precisely to the Government’s desire to incentivize the purchase of low-emission or electric cars, the latter of which are completely exempt from road tax.

This tax weighs heavily on Italians’ wallets, but it is now possible to request exemption, but only if you have specific characteristics. To check if you can request exemption, just check these numbers and in an instant you can send the request e finally say goodbye to tax.


So you are exempt

But let’s now come to the good news, namely the possibility of requesting exemption from paying stamp duty. Unfortunately, not everyone can request it, but a good portion of Italians can take advantage of it. In fact, anyone who still has a debt for the payment of old stamp duty, as long as it is less than 1,000 euros and relating to amounts prior to 2015, can ask to come exempted from paying the taxpaying off the debt in an instant.

We are therefore talking about people with very difficult situations who, due to their economic conditions, have not been able to pay the old taxes. The Government has decided to pay off these debts and allow these motorists to live with one less worry. Clearly all amounts due from 2015 onwards are still subject to payment and arrears, so it is advisable to try to pay off these debts as soon as possible. Even if only in part, finally many Italians will have fewer payments to think about.

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