Sport as a human field, the book “Giochi di pace” presented Italpress press agency

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The book “Games of Peace – The soul of the Olympics and Paralympics” was presented at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, created by Athletica Vaticana and Libreria Editrice Vaticana edited by Vincenzo Parrinello, and with a preface by Pope francesco. “The ultimate objective of the book is to understand how we can make sport a fully human field”, explained Cardinal Josè Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for culture and education, according to which “sharing the testimonies of the athletes collected in the book makes us responsible in building a more ethical, tolerant, inclusive, human and prophetic sport.” Speaking about the work of writing and involving the athletes, around 80 of them, the general of the Guardia di Finanza Vincenzo Parrinello, who oversaw it, declared: “I felt like a coach of a relay race, trying to achieve an objective: not it is a relay team that had to set a record or that had to get on the podium or achieve an Olympic qualification; it’s a relay race in which we had to try to launch and get across one, ten, a hundred messages on the value of sport”.
In particular, Parrinello reiterates how “sport is not just about victory or defeat, but believing and living the values ​​of sport every day, each in their function and role, with respect towards everyone”. During the presentation, the president of the Italian Paralympic Committee Luca Pancalli also spoke and underlined: “Never before has invoking the Olympic truce had to have a concrete response. I believe that sport can truly help change society. I would speak of ‘virtuous contamination: through sport you can sow seeds of hope that can help the world to be a little better.’ Also present was the vice-president of CONI, Silvia Salis, who in her contribution chose the theme of loyalty: “I wanted to underline how sport is linked to faith by an element such as discipline: athletes are asked to follow rules, both of life How moral. The big problem with those who are not loyal is that they cannot trust anyone. The message is that the result must be cultivated, but the result does not exist at any cost. The one obtained through values ​​is the only result that matters.”
Marco Mezzaroma, president of Sport and Health, instead spoke of sacrifice: “It is the moment in which one can concentrate one’s abilities to achieve a result that is the result of work and method – he explained -. In sport you can’t cheat, results come with constant work and self-improvement in comparison with others.”
– Italpress photo –

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