“Random”, the journalist from Lucca Luciano Gallo presents his first book

“Random”, the journalist from Lucca Luciano Gallo presents his first book
“Random”, the journalist from Lucca Luciano Gallo presents his first book

Random, a word to unite four stories under the same title, four intriguing stories published by Tralerighe Libri. AND’ the volume by Luciano Gallo, journalist and communicator from Lucca, which will be premiered Friday (May 24) at 6pm in the auditorium of Banca del Monte Foundation of Lucca in Piazza San Martino in Lucca.

Four stories, in fact, made even more compelling by the clear and flowing prose but with different characters. From Don Gae (the prologue) and the innate ability to tell and fascinate a Curtain!, a true act of love towards the theatre. However, observed from the wings through the attentive and enlightened gaze of one of the less important figures of the theatrical machine, but still an element that completes the entire structure between the audience, stage and dressing rooms. A man who talks about art and artistic talent while touching the topic of love with delicacy and passion through the meeting with an American diva in a small provincial theater.

Then Animal House which recalls John Landis’ 1978 film. Five young Florentine friends who organize a party in a villa in the Fiesole countryside among unlikely Latin lovers, DJs on their way out, passionate lovers and unexpected events of various kinds.

Finally Lisbon: the Portuguese capital is the center of a journey during which the two protagonists do not know the final destination. A widowed university professor meets a student attending Erasmus. What might seem like a story of simple infatuation, however, develops along unexpected paths that make the story veer not exactly towards a ‘mystery’ dimension but certainly along different and surprising tracks. An unexpected revelation, in fact, overturns and shocks the two protagonists. And not just them.

Randomafter the introductory greetings from the president of the Banca del Monte di Lucca Foundation Andrea Palestini, it will be presented in the presence of the author, the publisher Andrea Giannasi and will make use of the contribution to the reading of the Lucchese actress Giulia Lippi.

Luciano Gallo, professional journalist and head of the press office of the Province of Lucca (where he has worked since 2000 taking care of institutional information), writes for work and for pleasure. After high school and his piano diploma at the Boccherini conservatory in Lucca, he studied musicology by attending the Dams in Bologna. Instead of heading towards a probable career as a music professor after obtaining the ministerial qualification, the passion for journalism, inherited from his father, took over. He began to write about Tyrrhenian very young, and collaborated for years with the Livorno newspaper for which he was also a correspondent; he also wrote for some local and national weeklies, mainly dealing with crime news, politics, music and cultural events, school and sport. Random (Tralerighelibri editore) represents his literary debut.

Tralerighe is an independent Italian publishing house founded in Lucca in the autumn of 2013. It is part of a group made up of other publishing brands, literary festivals, newspapers, awards and cultural containers.

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