from kids to adult mystery

Rome, 22 April. (askanews) – Training, growth, creativity and messages to convey are the foundations of Liliana D’Angelo’s style and books. The author, who has always dedicated herself to children’s literature, has decided to start a new chapter, that of adult literature. The world of teenagers is very fascinating, it has a thousand facets, it intrigues and fascinates me – she says. But I began to feel the need to express myself in a more global way. Children’s literature is delicate, you need to use the right words, the most suitable narrative techniques. The time had come to try my hand at more complex prose, which would give me greater freedom of movement and expression. “The light of dawn”, published three years ago, is the first step in this new direction; This year “The Scarlet Braid” arrived, a novel that projects an intense light on the author’s more mature “pen”. The value of her characters and the sensoriality of her books emerge forcefully: D’Angelo speaks of a creative process that involves all five senses, a writing that can be felt, smelled, savored. Each novel is born from an idea that comes to life from my experience and my sensitivity. Because to really get into a story, you have to find writing that grabs you and drags you along. I write the stories that I would like to read, that could fascinate me as a reader, I like to travel into the deepest emotions, those that touch the heartstrings of others, she explains. “The Scarlet Braid” is her latest product: the title is intended as a tribute to the literary masterpiece “The Scarlet Letter” by Hawthorne, but D’Angelo interprets it in a new and current way, as a hymn to women and their emancipation . The novel is a compelling mystery, with stories to tell and secrets to keep, without forgetting the vein of education; but it is also a journey into the female universe, with all its fragilities and contradictions. Yet, the author does not forget her roots: D’Angelo recognizes the importance of communication in her novels, both for children and adults because I know how powerful narrative is as an educational tool, and I hope that the children who have read my books as children, continue to do so now, as adults tell. Her journey is made of “sparks”, but also of hard work and discipline, yet each story is a whirlwind of emotions, a journey that makes me live a thousand lives. I hope to continue this literary journey of mine and to infuse emotions through my books, so as to leave an indelible mark on the mind and soul of those who read me.

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