so Nigel Farage wants to challenge the status quo

so Nigel Farage wants to challenge the status quo
so Nigel Farage wants to challenge the status quo

Nigel Farage came out: the leader of Reform UK has stated that he is willing to lead a united party with the Conservatives after the July 4 general election. Farage also reiterated that he is not willing to lead the current Conservative Party, run by One Nationist Of Rishi Sunak.

United opposition

These, he explained, have pursued a failed policy of public spending, high taxes and state interventionism, squandering the Thatcherite identity of the party. However, Farage said, the formation of a new unitary party led by the reformist Thatcherite wing to oppose the openly socialist Labor Party of Keir Starmer.

In an interview with LBC, Farage said: “I predict it will emerge something new in the centre-right. And I think I’m capable of leading a national opposition against a mainstream Labor Party, where I can stand up and hold them to account for government action in Parliament.” Pressed on the possibility of leading a unified party Reform UK-Conservatives, he replied: “Yes”, adding that the Conservatives are politically finished and that he would be willing to lead a large centre-right in the UK.

Conservatives and Reform UK are now tied in the polls at 18%, while the Labor Party is at 38%, down 7 points and not far from the unified Conservative vote. At the same time, a survey Redfield and Wilton asked who would be the best opposition leader to a Labor government. The respondents chose Nigel Farage as first with 28%.

Tories in favor of the agreement

Inside the Conservative Party, what remains of the Thatcherite wing insists on reunification. Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has repeatedly called on the Conservatives to form a coalition with Reform UK to avoid dividing the right-wing vote. Andrea Jenkynscandidate Tory in Yorkshire, he even printed a photo with Farage on election leaflets. The former Attorney General Suella Braverman is attested to similar positions.

Last month, before the Prime Minister called an early election, Rees-Mogg had called for a Rishi Sunak to find an agreement with Reform UKoffering government positions to Farage, a Richard Ticethe president of Reform UKit’s at Ben Habibthe deputy leader, also choosing candidates indicated by Reform UK in colleges pro-Brexit.

A new centre-right in the UK

As anticipated by Atlantic Dailythe goal of Nigel Faragenow the most influential political figure in the UK, is more ambitious: Farage and the leadership of Reform UKa clearly Thatcherite party, which he pursues supply side economicstax cuts and deregulationAtlanticist and aligned with Israel in foreign policy, they want take over the Conservative Party en bloc. Farage is running for the House of Commons in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. In explaining his entry into the field he added: “Something is happening in the UK. There is a rejection of the political class to an extent never seen in modern times.”

And while in Italy we struggle to understand the complexity of British politics, continuing to play with silly labels, the political future of the United Kingdom is on the eve of a big Bang. A new center-right led by Nigel Farage And ready to challenge the status quo neo-Blairian who has monopolized UK politics since 1997 and to redefine the political landscape, freeing himself from Taliban environmentalism NetZerofrom Vendée woke progressive, of socialist fiscal oppression, of parasitic and unproductive public spending, and of illegal immigration that brings war home to the streets of the West.

Farage is the man ready to kill Leviathan and restore the principle of parliamentary sovereignty. He is the right man for the paradigm shift, the one that Italy does not have, because the hegemonic left in the media has gone so far to the left that everything else, even a Thatcherite, must be fought with the single label of extreme right.

* Bepi Pezzulli is running for the House of Commons with Reform UK in the Constituency of Finchley & Golders Green, London

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