Russian ships expected in Cuba: maneuvers expected. «They do not carry atomic weapons»

Russian ships expected in Cuba: maneuvers expected. «They do not carry atomic weapons»
Russian ships expected in Cuba: maneuvers expected. «They do not carry atomic weapons»

OfGuido Olimpio

A “routine” military operation in the historical relations between Cuba and Russia: the nuclear submarine Kazan, the frigate Gorshkov, the oil tanker Pashin and the deep-sea tug Nikolai Chiker are expected

First the report from the Pentagon which committed its reconnaissance units to tracking, then the announcement from Havana: a Russian naval formation is expected in Cuba. A way to reiterate its presence in waters far from the “motherland” and in chessboards close to the US backyard. The task force left in mid-May and is expected in Havana from June 12-17.

It includes the nuclear submarine Kazan, the frigate Gorshkov, the oil tanker Pashin and the well-known deep-sea tug Nikolai Chiker, already the protagonist of “cruises” in these “warm” seas in the past, with visits along the coast of Florida.

A statement from the Castro government underlined that the event is part of the historic relations between the two countries, a statement followed by a second: none of the units carry atomic weapons. “Official” reassurance in a moment of great tension.

The units, according to rumors, will participate in maneuvers with the allied Navy, followed by a probable stop in Venezuela, another point of support for the Kremlin. US military sources defined the operation as “routine” while it should be remembered that NATO in turn conducted exercises not far from Russia. It is a usual pattern within the great confrontation, challenge accentuated by the conflict in Ukraine. Some observers have compared the move – indirectly – to Vladimir Putin’s announcement of his desire to supply long-range systems to countries adversaries of the West, a response to NATO’s sending of armaments with similar capabilities to Kiev.

Actually the new Tsar’s Fleet it often went in the direction of American territory: in addition to the Chiker, the presence of spy ships in Caribbean ports but also of nuclear submarines has been reported, engaged in “strategic” patrols in the Atlantic and areas of interest.

Moscow studies sensors, training areas, seabeds, access routes. The Kazan is equipped with cruise missiles (and perhaps also hypersonic), the deep-sea tug has equipment that allows interventions even in depth or can perform support functions for submarines or divers.

June 7, 2024 (changed June 7, 2024 | 12:15)


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