Covid born in a laboratory in Wuhan and financed by the USA, the tests of biologist Alina Chan in the New York Times

Covid born in a laboratory in Wuhan and financed by the USA, the tests of biologist Alina Chan in the New York Times
Covid born in a laboratory in Wuhan and financed by the USA, the tests of biologist Alina Chan in the New York Times

The idea of Covid born in a laboratory Of Wuhan in 2020 it is fueled by the thesis proposed by biologist Alina Chan. According to the scientist, the USA they would have subsidized the research project that then led to the birth of the disease. Chan wrote a long in-depth analysis for the New York Times.

The thesis of Covid born in the laboratory

Immediately after the outbreak of the pandemic, the main international health authorities (with the WHO as the leader) claimed that theorigin of the COVID-19 is natural, but then a series of clues suggested that the disease could be the result of a laboratory accident. A fact about which, to date, there is no certainty.

Alina Chan’s theses

Alina Chan it’s a biologist Canadian molecular who works at the Mit And Harvard. The scientist also wrote the book Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19. Chan presents a series of elements to support his thesis.

Covid swabs in Wuhan, China during the lockdown.

It all started in Wuhan

The first clue is geographical: the Covid-19 pandemic began Wuhan, home to a major virus research center. And other viruses similar to Covid they had been identified in the Chinese province of Yunnan and Laos. In Wuhan, among others, work was also done on virus samples from Yunnan.

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The Defuse project

In 2018 the Wuhan laboratory had elaborated Defusea project aimed at create viruses similar to the coronavirus. The project was developed in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance, American company financed with 80 million dollars from government of the United States.

Among the projects there would have been that of create a infectious agent based on rare elements, one of which (the furin-cleaved spike protein) has so far only been found in the Covid-19 virus and in no other virus existing in nature.

Chan points out that when Wuhan scientists published their paper on Covid at the beginning of the pandemic they didn’t mention the spike protein with furin cleavage. This is strange for the researcher, since it is a characteristic they have been studying for some time

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Poor levels of security

From some documents it appears that in the Wuhan laboratory i security levels they were much more low than those required to prevent the accidental release of viruses.

The Chinese authorities they have always maintained that the infection occurred in a Wuhan market from animal to man, but there is no evidence of this. Chan writes that “Chinese authorities blocked the reporting of the first cases not linked to the market and, citing biosafety precautions, ordered the destruction of the patient samples on January 3, 2020, making it almost impossible to get a full picture of the first cases of Covid-19.

US funds

“Whether the pandemic began on a laboratory bench or in a market stall, it is undeniable that i US federal funding helped create an unprecedented collection of SARS-like viruses at the Wuhan institute, as well as contributed to the research that powered them,” Chan writes. In May the government of United States has canceled all the financing to EcoHealth.

At the end of May the Covid KP.2 variant that scares the USA arrived in Italy. In the same month, a study led to the discovery of a new deadly disease connected to Covid, the Mip C disease.

Photo source: ANSA

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