Amadeus, the (unexpected) reaction to Carlo Conti. Social media in frenzy

Amadeus, the (unexpected) reaction to Carlo Conti. Social media in frenzy
Amadeus, the (unexpected) reaction to Carlo Conti. Social media in frenzy

The old and the new. One leaves the scene, Amadeus, and the other will soon replace him, Carlo Conti. In fact, today it was announced the new era of Sanremowhich Rai entrusts, for the two-year period 2025-2026, to its pampered “safe used” (though excellent, it must be said). Conti takes over from Amadeus, therefore, with the latter appearing to take the matter in stride – perhaps because the contract with Nove allows him to sleep soundly. In fact, it seems there was a private call, between Amadeus and Carlo, with some rumors about the content already starting to leak out. Very negativeinstead, the web responses to Conti’s choice. Here you are the details below.

Amadeus reacts to Carlo Conti

Carlo Conti he is the new artistic director and host of Sanremo. It happens at Amadeus, who during his “reign” greatly relaunched a worn-out and tired event. Difficult, therefore, indeed very difficult task which now falls to the highly experienced Conti. Do better of Amadeus apparently a utopia, also given how Rai has been moving lately (rather badly). But at least get closer to recent successesYes, Carlo Conti is obviously required to do that.

Meanwhile the timeliness is surprising with which Amadeus was quick to congratulate his colleague and friend. The former Rai would have sent a message ritualhe reveals Adnkronos, addressed precisely to Conti. But it doesn’t end here. Because it seems that Carlo, struck by the fact, has immediately called Amadeus back giving rise to a phone call that the sources define “affectionate”. But who knows, there might not be something else too. Perhaps, and it is reasonable to think so, Conti will have asked my colleague for clarification on how to untangle the mess of the Sanremo Festival.

For now, nothing is known about Conti’s current choices. Just that Pieraccioni and Panariello will not be there. The new regulation of the singing festival should arrive within a few days. Days of frantic waiting and various questions. What impact will he want to make?So, Carlo Conti? We go back to the origins, to the national-popular, or we continue instead road of modernity youth dictated so well by Amadeus? Maybe this is exactly what the two “big shots” discussed today. Maybe (we hope) Conti will have it learned some fundamental ideas to get by in this new, exciting adventure

The (furious) response from social media

Less excitinghowever, it was the reaction of social media to the Rai announcement on Carlo Conti. Many, particularly on Facebook, did not like the conservative choice of Viale Mazzini. There are those who have made fun of the leaders without half measures, underlining the stampede of presenters still underway in Rai: “The choice wasn’t difficult… there’s only him. I would have preferred Gerry Scotti.” Others remarked on the lack of courage: “We could have tried something new but we’re aiming for the old one who knows”. And still others launched into an accurate analysis of the decision, which was not at all trivial: “Carlo Conti would also be a great music expert but unfortunately it is also an extremely popular national team to make Pippo Baudo shiver. We hope that the Amadeus school has modernized the issue.”

And finally, as always, there was also on the web space for some healthy humor from bars. It is known that Carlo Conti is a bit “obsessed” with tanning, and he himself has often joked about it. Thus a user summed up the company’s choice with a half-dig at the recent “censorship” policies: “For inclusion towards people of color, well done!”. And here the curtain closes.

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