Italy 24 Press News


MONZA – More than 100 operators from the public and private clinics of the provinces of Lecco and Monza Brianza met on Monday 17 June at the headquarters of the Province of Monza and Brianza for the training event “Counselors: new family horizons“.

The conference, organized by ATS Brianzawith the collaboration of ASST Brianza, ASST Lecco e IRCCS Foundation San Gerardo dei Tintoriwas part of a process of coordination and comparison on policies to support the family, with public and private family counseling centers that insist in the territory, starting from shared reflections on the changes that increasingly involve the family system. The objective was to delve into the different family realities to understand and enhance family pluralism characterized by constant change.

Family clinics are multi-professional centers that are easily accessible and a point of connection with various subjects and services in the area, they implement interventions for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health, they try to respond to the needs that the evolution of the family system is currently manifesting, at the in order to guarantee well-being understood as “feeling good” or “existing well”, a state of dynamic balance from the psychic, social and biological point of view of the human being in all phases of life.

The training event was strongly desired by ATS Brianza to promote, support, qualify and enhance the activity of the clinic operators in its territory, through a moment of in-depth analysis and.
The social health director Antonio Colaianni opened the proceedings by bringing greetings from the entire strategic management of ATS Brianza and underlining how “family counseling centers are territorial entities that were ahead of their time, putting the person and the family at the center. They are services characterized by highly topical peculiarities and values: the multi-professional integration of assessment and interventions, the characteristic of places with territorial proximity and reference for families. They are places that respond to needs but also enhance the potential of the family in the community.”
The scientific director of the conference, Fabio Muscionicothanks the managers of the ASST Brianza, ASST Lecco and IRCCS San Gerardo clinics (in order Antonio Neptune, Carmen Baldi e Patrizia Zanotti), for the constant work of attention to the family and the always active connection with the Family Services structure of ATS Brianza.

“The conference is the result of a strong collaboration between ATS Brianza, in particular the family service of the PIPSS department and the accredited public and private counselling centres in the area – explains Fabio Muscionicodirector of the programming department for the integration of social and health services with social ones of ATS Brianza – the counseling centers are the multi-professional centers of the territory and of the social and health system, a point of reference for families, couples, parents and minors. The work of the counseling centers and of all the services that deal with the family is to support and promote parenthood in all its nuances and in the multitude of family configurations that exist today and that deserve specific attention, welcoming them with their peculiarities. There are many types of parenthood, social, biological, donor, etc., the families we work with are varied and the services must welcome and understand them, finding shared and coherent solutions to their needs and desires”.

Antonio Neptuneresponsible for the coordination of ASST-Brianza UOSD consulting activities, highlights how the conference represented an extraordinary opportunity for scientific discussion between experts and operators on the role of consulting centers in contemporary times. The contents of the various speakers, in fact, focused attention on the topic of the declining birth rate, on how to address and reduce maternal trauma at a transgenerational level. Finally, the multidimensional role of consulting centers in the field of cancer prevention was analyzed and on how to address the needs of parents with children born with medically assisted procedures, as well as recomposed families with children born from previous marriages and homoparental families.

Carmen Baldi, responsible for coordinating the consultancy activities of ASST Lecco, highlights: “I believe it was a rich training experience both for the complexity of the topics covered by the excellent speakers and for the stimulus given by the comparison between operators from different consultancies who shared critical issues and development opportunities ; it is necessary to accompany the Consultants in this process of transformation and change of families so that they can be increasingly open and competent in identifying their needs and finding answers”.

Patrizia Zanottihead of the SSD consultancy activity of the IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori, emphasizes: “The contributions presented at the conference have highlighted the valuable work of the consultancy operators who encounter new family configurations and new needs. The “open” and non-judgmental welcome, the promotion of personal and family resources, the narration of the different ways of coming into the world and of family plots, are constitutive elements of the psychological-linear work present in our services and which has as its objective the care of bonds in the different forms in which they present themselves”.

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