Italy 24 Press News

Principe remembers the police 50 years after the tragic death of Giuseppe Verduci

On Wednesday 26 June 2024, the Ligurian Railway Police and the other police offices in the province of Genoa gathered to honor the memory of their colleague Giuseppe Verduci, killed on duty 50 years ago.

A heartfelt and participatory commemoration, which took place in the Principe station and in the headquarters of the Polfer Liguria compartment. Participating were the family members of Deputy Brigadier Verduci, the prefect of Genoa Cinzia Torraco, the police commissioner of Genoa Silvia Burdese, representing the Chief of Police on the occasion, the National Association of the State Police, the regional leaders of the FSI Group and the Police chaplain, Father Daniele Minetti. Also present was a representation of the SAP, an autonomous police union which, as a sign of homage and memory of their colleague who fell in service, previously laid a wreath at the Verduci/Volpi roundabout in Sampierdarena.

This year the celebration has an even deeper meaning because 50 years have passed since that tragic 26 June 1974, when Giuseppe Verduci, deputy Brigadier on duty at the Genoa Principe Polfer, while escorting a postal train, surprised some criminals who were stealing inside a carriage. Giuseppe did not hesitate to intervene, engaging in a fight with the criminals. Unfortunately, he was mortally wounded by a gunshot fired at close range and while still alive, the criminals pushed him outside the moving train and was hit by another convoy arriving from the opposite direction.

Today, 50 years later, the Ligurian Railway Police placed a laurel wreath at the plaque dedicated to Giuseppe Verduci inside the Genova Principe station, as a sign of profound respect and gratitude for his extreme sacrifice. At the time of the deposition, a young student from the Pertini high school in Genoa also intervened and performed the required silence with the trumpet.

“The story of Giuseppe Verduci – declared the director of the Ligurian Railway Police Bianca Venezia – must be for us all a shining example of courage, self-denial and spirit of service. His memory will always remain alive in our hearts, and his sacrifice will not will never be forgotten. The closeness and gratitude of all the State Police goes to Giuseppe Verduci’s family for their immense suffering and for sharing the memory of a hero with us.”

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