Italy 24 Press News

Gaza, Israeli forces: eight soldiers killed in the explosion of an armored vehicle in the south

Eight Israeli soldiers died following the explosion of an armored vehicle near the city of Rafah, in the south of Gaza Strip. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) made this known on X. According to preliminary information, the vehicle in which the soldiers were traveling was part of a convoy of armored vehicles that was heading towards some buildings conquered by the army, after an operation by the troops of the 401st Armored Brigade which, according to the IDF, led to the killing of approximately 50 armed men in the northwestern areas of Rafah’s Tel Sultan neighborhood.

As reported by the “Times of Israel” newspaper, it is not clear whether the vehicle in which the eight dead soldiers were traveling exploded due to a mine placed on the road or a bomb thrown by members of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. According to the updated toll, 307 Israeli soldiers have lost their lives since the ground operation in the Gaza Strip began in mid-October, following the Hamas attack on the Jewish state.

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