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WOMEN | Lazio: “Destined to fly”. The protagonists tell the story of the season

In a long dedicated content, published on the official Biancoceleste website, the girls from the Women selection looked back on the season

A dominated championship, which ended with the only possible epilogue: the return to Serie A. The girls from Lazio Women, after failing to get promoted last season, have made no mistake this season by finally returning to the top flight. Through dedicated content published on the official Biancoceleste website protagonists have retraced this season.

What I have left from last season – begins Antonietta Castiello I think I still carry it inside me. It was an incredible year, ended badly but incredible”. Also Sofia Colombo returns to last season: “It was a major disappointment because it marked me for a long time”. And again there Visentin: “There was a lot of disappointment because we fought so hard.” Word then to Francesca Pittaccio: “The disappointment in Pomigliano was the end of a truly difficult year in which we tried until the end but perhaps it wasn’t the right time for us“. “In Pomigliano I was so exhausted that I collapsed to the ground ” He says Noemi Visentin. “The first thing I did – reveal mister Grassadonia is to embrace everymy single footballer because they had given everything.” This year was a high-intensity season.” ensures. Words that are echoed by those of Castiello: “Much sacrifice and a lot of effort.” A real school of life” he defined it Eleonora Goldoni.

After an introductory phase we then move on to the story of each day. We start with the trip to Verona and with the words of Evdokija Popadinova: “The first match against Verona was difficult because they are a strong and organized team. I scored in the second half, the second goal so a very important goal because we started the championship with 3 points.” Then it’s up to Giusy Moraca tell some of the seasonal emotions: “The goal against Genoa? I actually didn’t think about it. As soon as I got the ball it was spontaneous. I also read some comments that made me very happy. I was happy“. The first level test for the Grassadonia girls comes with the home match against Cesena, a major obstacle in the previous season and the only team this year capable of beating the Biancocelesti.

The match with Pavia – tells Giulia Ferrandi personally it was the turning point match. My 2 goals, in my opinion, did not come by chance. They arrived in a difficult moment, when Pavia was putting us in difficulty. In the first goal (on a cross free-kick allowed by everyone ed.) honestly there was also a bit of luck but then seeing that ball go into the net was an explosion of joy. The second goal is my strong point, that is the shots from outside. I tried, I saw the goalkeeper outside the posts and I succeeded. I was happy to have shared that moment during a tough time. Something special“.

Antonietta Castiello he then returns to the away match against Ternana: “The atmosphere was wonderful, you could feel it was an important race. Even though it was only January, both we and they played a lot. I think it was an equal match, as was the return leg, so it was right like this: the match was beautiful until the end“. “Their field – adds the Pittaccio It’s a very difficult field. In any case we wanted to win but even the draw was an excellent result because it was a direct clash and we were playing away and we had also gone down. We took it back, in the second half our team came out. It ended 1-1 but I wish it had lasted a few more minutes. Who knows”.

“I think the one against Parma – tells Emma Guidi It was, regardless of the saves I may have made, the match in which I believe we realized we were a great team. It was the first real match in which we had an important game tactically speaking. Save against Brescia? At the time I didn’t even realize it because the action was very fast and we were already savoring the joy of victory. I was just full of adrenaline, maybe I realized then that it was an important save and I’m happy“.

Maja Göthberg instead he talks about the last-gasp draw against Genoa: “We were in the last minutes of the match, Piattaccio put a ball in the center and it bounced to me. On the first shot I hit the goalkeeper, but on the rebound the ball went in. We were all very happy. Goal in Cesena? Mancuso gave me a very good ball to get over the defensive line. I saw the space and kicked past the goalkeeper. I was happy to have helped the team once again.” Word then to Sofia Colombo: “The goal against Arezzo? It was a fundamental personal moment, a little difficult for the team but still useful for achieving the objective“.

Mister Grassadonia instead he retraces the emotions of the return match against Cesena: “That race there meant a lot. We were at a crossroads in the championship and winning that match sent a strong signal to ourselves. Sometimes maybe a little more scolding is useful but not only there. It helped make them understand that in terms of how they work they still had room for improvement for me. After a bad first half, they deserved the victory in the second half and it could have ended for me with a different result. With that second half, with that reaction they really understood that we could win“. Also Eleonora Goldoni focuses on the victory at Cesena: “It was a satisfying victory“.

Very important” defines it as the Visentinwho also adds: “We gained new awareness that led us to the championship victory.”The victory against Cesena – adds the Moraca wasso important both for us and for the championship.” For the Pittaccio instead we talk about: “Victory that put us in the wake of winning this championship.”

Visibly moved Eleonora Goldoni returns to the injury and his return against Tavagnacco: “The injury was a really tough moment, coming in a positive period of the season. I cannot deny that they have been months of great suffering, of great pain. Staying away from the pitch, watching the days and matches go by. However, my teammates were very close to me and returning to the field was challenging, because every day I had to put all aspects to the test. She left me a lot and I don’t have one regret. On the contrary. The goal? Tears, like a closing circle. Everything comes back at the right time, dreaming of that double on that day was special.”

Then there is room for the emotions of the championship finale. “Against Ternana I remember that Giusy (Moraca ed.) he hit the ball with his head which then came to me. I only thought about how to kick on the fly and I scored, I was very happy” remembers Gothberg. Word then again to Eleonora Goldoni: “Ternana? The equalizer scored at the last minute was a real pain. We were already imagining a big party at home.”About that goal – says the Pittacciothere were many mistakes. From the beginning to the end, each of us could have done something more. As long as the referee doesn’t blow his whistle, you shouldn’t give up an inch.” Even mister Grassadonia recounts the emotions of that day: “The disappointment is there for the first 15 seconds but above all for them because if we had celebrated against Ternana, in front of our fans, it would have been the culmination of an amazing year. The public cared a lot.”

Finally, the immense joy arrived at Ravenna. “If we hadn’t won there – he begins Grassadonia really everything would have been complicated because mentally we would have gone down and risked it.” during the 90 minutes, Moraca misses from the spot and remembers: “Even before I picked up the ball I went into a panic. I felt so much disappointment“. “After the missed penalty – he adds Antonietta Castiello Since it was the first penalty she missed, I thought I’d relive the ghosts of last year.” Word then to Sofia Colombo who talks about Visentin’s goal: “I only thought about kicking the ball with all the strength I had, then Vise took care of it.”


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