Italy 24 Press News

Which actress will play Lady Deadpool in Deadpool & Wolverine? What we know

Which actress will play Lady Deadpool in Deadpool & Wolverine? As you know, after months of speculation, the new teaser trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine has confirmed the debut of Lady Deadpool in the MCU thanks to the film with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, but the actress behind the mask is unknown.

From the field of possibilities we must exclude the superstar Taylor Swift, given that it has been officially confirmed by Entertainment Weekly that the popular singer will not be present in the film directed by Shawn Levy despite the many speculations of the past few weeks. But given that Deadpool & Wolverine promises tons of cameos from the Marvel Multiverse there are several actresses, in addition to Taylor Swift, who could hide behind the mask of Lady Deadpool.

The number one suspect is Blake Livelyactress and wife of the protagonist, screenwriter and producer of Deadpool & Wolverine Ryan Reynolds: we don’t even want to try to imagine what meta-jokes Deadpool could come up with seeing Ryan Reynolds’ real wife in Lady Deadpool’s suit, but if we wanted to bet we would be ready to bet our money on the Gossip Girl and Beasts star. Another possibility could be Morena Baccarinwho already played Vanessa in the Deadpool saga but who could take on the identity of Lady Deadpool thanks to the Multiverse, while a third hypothesis that we thought of – the most hilarious, to tell the truth – is the one that would see Ryan Reynolds as Lady Deadpool with an irreverent gender-swap.

Deadpool & Wolverine will be released in Italy from July 24th, distributed by Disney, and will be the first rated-R film from Marvel Studios and the MCU.

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