Italy 24 Press News

Healthcare in Liguria: the Uil study on Mission 6 of the Pnrr

The healthcare sector in Liguria suffers from various critical issues, highlighted by Uil in a document which analyzes in detail the process of implementing the investments of the Pnrr which concern the “Health” Mission in Liguria: waiting lists with unacceptable deadlines, lack of medical personnel and nursing, no response regarding territorial medicine and the abandonment of internal areas. A health system that needs to be changed, the implementation of which must go through an extraordinary hiring plan with the removal of the cap on personnel spending, which has blocked hiring since 2010 and, obviously, with greater resources for the renewal of the 2022-2024 national collective labor agreement for healthcare public.

In 2050, Ligurians aged at least 65 years will be 35.1% of the population, compared to 28.7% today. Liguria thus becomes an increasingly older region that will need greater attention to be paid to its specificities.

The Uil study envisages an important series of investments in new territorial organizational structures, a necessary condition to facilitate the response to the needs of the territory. “Territory that becomes the owner of a prevention, proximity and integrated management function, to guarantee responses to needs characterized by greater complexity and urgency – he explains Emanuele Ronzoniextraordinary commissioner Uil Liguria – To do this we must first of all spend 42,510. 000 million euros to hire 955 people in the healthcare sector. The numbers that the Uil study offers us support the theses that we have always supported in recent months in Liguria: the Liguria Region is not attentive to the needs of its citizens, who cannot continue to pay the price of a regional policy that continues to say that everything is fine while people can’t get treatment.”

In reference to Uil sector study national analysis is analyzed in detail the implementation process of the investments of the Pnrr which concern the “Health” Mission (M6) and concern the “Community Homes and taking care of the person” (M6C1.I-1.1), the “Home as the first place of care and telemedicine” (M6C1.I-1.2), the “Strengthening of intermediate healthcare and its structures (Community Hospitals)” (M6C1.I-1.3) of the Liguria Region.

For the grounding of the DM77 in Liguria, a hiring plan for the 955 unit sector would be needed, for a total cost of 42,510,000 euros. In Liguria it is expected that in 2050 Ligurians aged at least 65 will be 35.1% of the population, compared to the current 28.7%. For this reason, territorial healthcare in the Region, as well as that of the country, represents an important challenge not to be missed. In detail, the plan includes an important series of investments in the definition of new territorial organizational structures, which represent a necessary condition to facilitate the response to the needs of the territory.

The Territory therefore becomes the holder of an integrated prevention, proximity and management function, to guarantee responses to needs characterized by greater complexity and urgency.

Uil has analyzed the numbers in detail below, the financing necessary for the grounding of the Ministerial Decree 77 and above all the personnel needs:

Community houses

The plan involves the construction of: 32 community houses, of which 30 resulting from the renovation of existing structures and 2 entirely new.

Community hospitals

The plan involves the construction of: 11 community hospitals, of which 9 to be reconverted and 2 to be built. From the establishment of community homes, places of proximity to which citizens can access for primary care, to that of small community hospitals (20 beds) to allow intermediate reception between hospitalization at home and hospital.

Operations Centers

The plan involves the construction of: 16 territorial operations centers.

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