“Crita – Festival of the Arts” kicks off from Collepasso

“Crita – Festival of the Arts” kicks off from Collepasso
“Crita – Festival of the Arts” kicks off from Collepasso

He is the actor and comedian from Salento Antonello Taurino (in the picture) to inaugurate the seventh edition of “Crita – Festival delle arti”, a festival dedicated to theater, music and dance, conceived and organized by the cooperative “Ventinovenove” with the artistic direction of Gabriele Polimeno and Mary Negro. A packed program that unfolds throughout the summer, bringing to the squares of the municipalities of Collepasso, Cutrofiano, Galatone, Nardò and Bagnolo del Salento, the new entry thanks to the collaboration with Jata aps, many guests including Ascanio Celestini and Francesco Paolantoni as well as Fabrizio Saccomanno, Redi Hasa, Fabrizio Pugliese and Antonello Taurino. Don Pasta and Christian Di Domenico return to the festival and, among the arts, there is also space for philosophy with Massimo Donà. In the spotlight are actors and actresses under 35 such as Giorgio Sales, of the Orsini Company, and Alessandra De Luca, who grew up artistically in Salento, students of Mary Negro, and today tread the boards around Italy.

This year’s theme is “Ridotti all’osso”, to be understood as the need to let go of everything that is superficial, unnecessary and everything that is not beauty. But it is also a denunciation of the state of health of the world of culture and live entertainment: precarious in life and work; relegated to the leftovers of time, to economic leftovers, to the leftovers of non-existent strategies and visions.

It starts on Tuesday 2nd July, from Collepasso, at the Palazzo Baronale, at 9pm (free admission like all Crita events hosted by the Municipality), with Antonello Taurino who brings to the stage “Sono bravo con la lingua”, written with Carlo Turati. A journey into linguistics through the funniest curiosities of the world’s idioms, a monologue in the style of other Taurino shows: very serious topics treated in a very comical way. Here is the hilarious confession of a teacher of ancient languages ​​grappling with the most destabilizing career change of his career: the possibility of moving to a hi-tech company in Silicon Valley.

G. Polymeno and M. Negro

“Crita becomes an annual project – explain the creators Gabriele Polimeno and Mary Negro – with a more intense summer programming period. We felt the need to trace a direction and follow a path that did not begin and end in the summer period alone, embracing and exploring different themes. In October it will start Crita: copper reda series of events on equal opportunities and gender inequality, promoted and supported by the Puglia Regional Council as part of the call for proposals Futura – Puglia for Equality. At the seventh edition and on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the foundation of Ventinovenove we felt we had to go in new directions”.

“Crita – Festival delle arti” is a festival that aims to offer a quality cultural and theatrical offer in the most peripheral areas. The name “Crita” comes from a typical term in the local dialect that has a double meaning: “critare” is the act of shouting and making yourself heard. But it also means “creta”, clay, a typical material of the area from whose processing artisanal products are born that have always identified the Salento with a thousand creative facets. Over the years it has taken on another meaning, that is, transforming places that are not usual for theater or art, dressing them with “new clothes” such as squares, oil mills, historic buildings and others, hosting writers, philosophers, chamber music, educating the community to experience them differently. The first artist to take up the challenge was the actor and director from Salento, the UBU prize winner Mario Perrotta, who was later joined by Gianni Ciardo, Redi Hasa, Christian Di Domenico, Maria Mazzotta, Angela De Gaetano, Fabrizio Saccomanno, Franco Ferrante, Daniela Baldassarra, Mauro Racanati, Luciano Trombetta and many others.

Crita – Festival delle arti is a traveling theater, music and dance festival conceived and directed by Gabriele Polimeno and Mary Negro, with the production of the Ventinovenove cooperative. Partners of the event are the Municipalities of Caprarica di Lecce, Collepasso, Cutrofiano, Galatone, Bagnolo del Salento and Nardò and other private and institutional entities: Legacoop Puglia, Distretto Produttivi Puglia Creativa, Proloco Cutrofiano, Azienda Fratelli Colì srl, Jata Aps, Zeronovenove srl, Confartigianato Lecce and 34esimo Fuso. Info: 353/4294041; 339/5745559; 329/3345515; [email protected]; www.29nove.com.

Read the program:

“Crita – Festival of the Arts” 2024 – “Striped Down to the Bones”

Press release

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