Alibegovic, “I have always supported Caja, since day one”

Alibegovic, “I have always supported Caja, since day one”
Alibegovic, “I have always supported Caja, since day one”

Hypothesized by Sport Club his role as CEO in Fortitudo, Teo Alibegovic in the same program he denied and added other things on the subject of the market.

“I would like to give some information from my side. Ready and capable to become CEO? Honestly yes, I am trained, but it has never been discussed all season. It is nonsense, fake news, unfortunately at this moment things come out when there are no others. It has never been discussed and I wouldn’t even do it, I would be wasted because I am a person of the field, I have seen many battles and I can contribute with advice both for the field and for sponsorships, or for the application of sports laws or the code of ethics. This belongs to the position of a vice president as I have been since day one, I was chosen by president Tedeschi with a broad delegation for this year, but certainly not to be the CEO”

Would you have liked to coach Fortitudo? “In my career I was GM and general manager at Fortitudo, when we lowered the budget a lot and still reached the championship final against Treviso. Who wouldn’t like to coach Fortitudo? But I made other decisions years ago, I can coach my children’s camp but I wouldn’t have the nerves for other things. I will be proud to support all the coaches who come here, as I did with Caja, supporting him from the first to the last day”

The situation of foreigners? Will they stay? “Whoever is doing the market, because I only have to look at the costs and any internal balances, is evaluating with the agents of both Americans. If there is a way to stay within our resources of course, we will do everything to confirm them: Freeman is much closer, while Ogden has had important offers both in A1 and in championships where he has already played. If there is a way we will be proud to keep them, otherwise the market for foreigners is much more open than that of Italians. Unfortunately, for what happened to us we are a little late”

The full video of the broadcast.

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