Home bonus 2024, which ones expire at the end of the year — idealista/news

Home bonus 2024, which ones expire at the end of the year — idealista/news
Home bonus 2024, which ones expire at the end of the year — idealista/news

The beginning of July does not only mark the official arrival of the beautiful season, it also represents the right moment to decide to take advantage of the home bonus 2024 before their end. In fact, according to what is currently foreseen, many benefits expire at the end of the year. While waiting for a possible intervention by the government, which could decide to remodulate the tax benefits also in light of the Green Houses Directive (which was approved by the European Parliament on 12 March, received the green light from Ecofin on 12 April and was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 May), let’s see which dates to mark in your diary and which discounts are close to being concluded.

Home renovation bonus, when it expires

Il home renovation bonus expires on December 31, 2024. The deduction is intended for taxpayers subject to Irpef, resident or not in the territory of the State, who incur renovation costs. The relief concerns the owners of the properties subject to the intervention; the holders of real/personal rights of enjoyment on the properties; the tenants; the family member living with the owner or holder of the property subject to the intervention (spouse, member of the civil union, relatives within the third degree and in-laws within the second degree); the common-law partner (for expenses incurred starting from January 1, 2016).

The tax benefit, which must be divided into ten equal annual installments, allows taxpayers to deduct from their Irpef 50% of expenses incurred from June 26, 2012 to December 31, 2024, with a maximum limit of 96,000 euros for each real estate unit. For renovation work carried out on residential properties used promiscuously for the exercise of a commercial, artistic or professional activity, the deduction is granted in the reduced amount of half.
For expenses related to anti-seismic interventions, higher deductions are foreseen, which can reach up to 85%. Also in this case, the deductions must be used until 31 December 2024.

Ecobonus 65% and 50% expiry

The 65% and 50% ecobonus expires on December 31, 2024. The tax relief for interventions that increase the level of energy efficiency of buildings consists of a deduction from Irpef or Ires, the amount of which varies depending on whether the intervention concerns the single real estate unit or condominium buildings and the year in which it was carried out. The deduction must be divided into ten annual installments of equal amount.

To be eligible for the ecobonus, the interventions must be carried out on existing real estate units and buildings (or parts of buildings), registered or for which registration has been requested, of any cadastral category, even if rural, including those instrumental to business or professional activity, goods or assets.

As underlined by the Revenue Agency, for most interventions the deduction is equal to 65%, for others it is 50%.

This second category includes:

  • the purchase and installation of windows including fixtures;
  • the purchase and installation of solar screening;
  • the purchase and installation of winter air conditioning systems equipped with heat generators powered by combustible biomass;
  • the replacement of winter air conditioning systems with systems equipped with condensing boilers with efficiency at least equal to class A or with systems equipped with heat generators fueled by combustible biomass (the higher deduction of 65% is instead applicable if the boilers, in addition to being at least class A, are also equipped with advanced thermoregulation systems).

The ecobonus is available to all resident and non-resident taxpayers with any type of income:

  • natural persons, including those practicing arts and professions;
  • taxpayers with business income (natural persons, partnerships, corporations);
  • simple societies;
  • associations between professionals;
  • public and private bodies that do not carry out commercial activities.

Furthermore, the benefit is available to those who own or hold, based on a suitable title, the property subject to the intervention:

  • the owner or the bare owner;
  • the holder of a real right of enjoyment, such as usufruct, use, habitation or surface;
  • the tenant or borrower of the property;
  • members of cooperatives with divided and undivided ownership;
  • individual entrepreneurs, for properties that are not included among capital goods or merchandise goods;
  • those who produce income in an associated form (simple partnerships, general partnerships, limited partnerships and similar entities, family businesses), under the same conditions envisaged for individual entrepreneurs;
  • cohabiting family members, i.e. the spouse (to whom the part of the civil union is equivalent), relatives up to the third degree and in-laws up to the second degree;
  • the de facto partner;
  • the separated spouse assignee of the property registered to the other spouse;
  • the prospective buyer.

Furniture bonus, what is the deadline?

You can benefit from the bonus furniture and appliances anyone who purchases new furniture and appliances by 31 December 2024 (class no lower than class A for ovens, class E for washing machines, washer-dryers and dishwashers, class F for refrigerators and freezers) and has carried out renovation works building renovation starting from 1 January of the year preceding that of the purchase of the goods.

The furniture and household appliances bonus is an Irpef deduction for the purchase of furniture and large household appliances, intended to furnish a property undergoing renovation. The deduction must be calculated on a maximum amount of 5,000 euros for 2024, including any transport and assembly costs, and must be divided into ten annual installments of equal amounts. Payment must be made by bank transfer or debit or credit card.

Green bonus when ladder

Il bonus verde expires in 2024. This is a 36% Irpef deduction on expenses incurred for the greening of private uncovered areas of existing buildings, real estate units, appurtenances or fences, irrigation systems and construction of wells; for the construction of green roofs and hanging gardens. If linked to the execution of these interventions, even the design and maintenance expenses give right to the relief.

The green bonus must be divided into ten annual installments of equal amount and must be calculated on a maximum amount of 5,000 euros per residential real estate unit. The maximum deduction is therefore 1,800 euros (36% of 5,000) per property. The payment of expenses must be made through instruments that allow their traceability.

The relief is available to taxpayers who own or hold, on the basis of a suitable title, the property on which the interventions are carried out and who have incurred the related expenses. Even the cohabiting family members of those who own or hold the property can access the green bonus, if they bear the expenses and the invoices and transfers are in the name of these individuals.

Super bonus 70 percent, here’s the deadline

The 70 percent superbonus concerns expenses incurred in 2024. The tax relief governed by Article 119 of Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 (Relaunch Decree) has been modified several times over time. The initial deduction was 110%, then it moved to a 90% deduction, which this year dropped to 70%.

Earthquake bonus, deadline in 2024

Il sisma bonusfor expenses incurred from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2024, offers the possibility of benefiting from a 50% deduction, which must be calculated on a maximum amount of 96,000 euros per real estate unit (for each year) and which must be divided into five annual installments of the same amount.

As explained by the Revenue Agency, the deduction is higher (70 or 80%) when the implementation of the interventions results in a reduction of the seismic risk of 1 or 2 classes and when the works have been carried out on the common parts of condominium buildings ( 80 or 85%).

The earthquake bonus, thanks to which taxpayers who carry out interventions for the adoption of anti-seismic measures on buildings can deduct part of the expenses incurred from income taxes, can be requested for the sums spent during the year and can be transferred if relating to interventions carried out on common parts of condominium buildings.

The percentages of deduction available with the 2024 earthquake bonus depend on the type of intervention and the property involved (whether real estate units or common parts of condominium buildings):

  • 50% with improvement of the real estate unit without change of seismic risk class;
  • 70% with reduction of one risk class;
  • 80% with reduction of two risk classes;
  • 75% with reduction of one risk class for work on condominium areas;
  • 85% with reduction of two risk classes for works on condominium parts.
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