“The judiciary must clarify immediately” – Sicilia24ore – Director Lelio Castaldo

“The judiciary must clarify immediately” – Sicilia24ore – Director Lelio Castaldo
“The judiciary must clarify immediately” – Sicilia24ore – Director Lelio Castaldo

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FILLEA-CGIL, although not knowing the exact dynamics of the accident, cannot but denounce the need for more controls especially with regard to the verification of training which, for the construction industry, requires construction companies to start newly hired workers on a two-day training course (16 hours in total). The obligation exists for those who have no previous experience in the construction sector and failure to comply with this requirement entails heavy sanctions for the employer.

FILLEA-CGIL have always and daily shouted that work must serve to live and not to die. Deaths at work, especially in construction, have reached worrying records and the hope of FILLEA-CGIL is that these tragedies will act as a spur to raise the level of attention from politicians towards the problems that grip the entire world of work at in order to avoid these absurd and humanly unacceptable deaths.

Over the last decade, the topic of safety has become the agenda of conferences, institutional meetings and events, and many words have been wasted in the wind, as the data and the massacre on construction sites say that doesn’t stop. People continue to die in the workplace in a disarming manner.

We do not need further studies on prevention or other articles, but rather the application of all the rules that govern health and safety in the workplace. We need training in primary schools, but in the meantime we need the URGENT collaboration of all social parties to prevent the lists of deaths from getting longer, by intensifying checks with the involvement of CPT technicians and anyone who may be in a position to ensure that the rules on prevention and safety are not violated. Let us not make this further blood in vain, let us honor it by trying to change pace.

Fillea-CGIL is present every day on construction sites, informing workers also on the current regulations that allow them to work safely, experiencing the dangers first-hand and collecting testimonies worthy of respect, so much so that a few days ago even in Agrigento FILLEA-CGIL wrote to all the Mayors of the province “…so that they work to issue specific ordinances that prohibit the carrying out of all those activities exposed to thermal risk…”.

Since high temperatures, as is known, can cause illness or reduce the worker’s attention span, increasing the risk of accidents.

For these reasons, in the exercise of their institutional prerogatives, FILLEA-CGIL invited them – in order to prevent serious dangers that could threaten citizens-workers – to issue ordinances which in relation to weather forecasts block the activities of the construction sector in the time slot where it is expected, in relation to the Sias Civil Protection bulletins, to exceed the temperatures established by law.

FILLEA, in movingly gathering around the family, colleagues and friends of the young worker who tragically passed away, trusts in the institutions so that the family is not abandoned and the Judiciary sheds light on the dynamics of the accident.

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