850 thousand euros arriving from the Region for the Pro Loco of Fvg

850 thousand euros arriving from the Region for the Pro Loco of Fvg
850 thousand euros arriving from the Region for the Pro Loco of Fvg

The resources will be distributed based on the ranking of the applications, but will also be used for the functioning of the offices and consortia

“Even this year the Region confirms its active support for the Pro Loco of Friuli Venezia Giuliawho with their volunteers contribute to animate the social fabric of our countries. In fact, they amount in total the resources allocated are 850 thousand euroswhich will primarily promote the activity of 174 individual Pro Locos in the area, based on the ranking presented by the Union of Italian pro locos (Unpli) of FVG and approved today by the Council. Furthermore, the amount will also be used for the establishment and functioning of the Pro loco offices and the consortium headquartersas well as to cover the operating expenses of Unpli itself”.

This is the comment of the councilor for Productive Activities Sergio Emidio Biniabout to the approval of a specific resolution during the last session of the regional council.

600.00 euros for the promotion of the activities of the Pro loco

Of the total 850 thousand euros, 600,000 euros will be allocated for the promotion of the activities of the Pro loco, 75,100 euros for the operation of the Pro loco offices, 21,900 euros for the operating expenses of the offices headquarters of the Pro loco consortia and finally 153,000 euros for the operating expenses of Unpli.

Each Pro loco registered in the regional register, on the basis of the application presented to the Unpli Fvg Aps Association, will receive a contribution for carrying out the activities planned during 2024 as well as for its own operating expenses, while the Consortia between the Pro loco and the Unpli Fvg Aps Association will receive contributions towards operating expenses.

The region – explains councilor Bini – recognizes the strategic role of tourism for the development of the territory and in particular small towns. In this sense the Pro Loco represent an added valuebecause they have the task of preserve and make known the historical, artistic, cultural, naturalistic and social peculiarities of the localities in which they operate, thus promoting the attractiveness of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Thanks also to the virtuous alliance between the Region and local associations, which has strengthened in recent years, our Pro Loco system is esteemed and cited as an example at a national level“.

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