Sister’s death threat, the man apologized and compensated her with 300 euros – News

Sister’s death threat, the man apologized and compensated her with 300 euros – News
Sister’s death threat, the man apologized and compensated her with 300 euros – News

TRENT. Growing up together doesn’t always mean you get along. Even in the best families, knives can fly. An emblematic case – although not the most serious that ended up before the judge – happened in Trento in April 2023 when, at the height of a dispute, a man threatened his sister with death. «With these hands I will kill you. So then I’ll end up in jail – he shouted at her – You have to get the hell out…”.

The woman, probably tired of suffering such an aggressive attitude from her brother, reported him. She and she managed to obtain what she wanted without resorting to a trial: her brother apologized a lot “for his possible responsibilities”, committing himself to adopt “more appropriate conduct” in the future, “aimed at preventing new conflicts” .

The mea culpa spared the man a probable sentence. Her request for forgiveness was accompanied by compensation for damages: 300 euros is the offer made to her sister and accepted by her. Having taken note of the favorable opinion of the public prosecutor, the judge declared that there was no need to proceed.

The accused was therefore able to take advantage of the benefits of the so-called restorative conduct, which has the aim of eliminating the “harmful or dangerous consequences of the crime” and is the subject of careful evaluation by the judge. In fact, it is not always enough to apologize and pay compensation to see the crime extinguished. As highlighted by the Court of Cassation, the judge must consider the restorative activity suitable to satisfy not only the legitimate claims of the offended person, but above all “the needs of reprobation of the crime and prevention”.

Regarding the death threats to his sister, the justice of the peace found that “the conduct of the defendant in the hearing appeared appropriate” for both compensation and an apology. The crime, therefore, is extinguished.

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