Accident on the Roccalumera seafront, a 16-year-old centaur seriously injured

Collision between a motorbike and a car: the young man was taken to hospital

Accident on the Roccalumera seafront, a 16-year-old centaur seriously injured

by Editorial Staff | yesterday | NEWS

The motorbike and the car involved in the accident

Accident with one injured this afternoon on the Roccalumera seafront. A young man riding a motorcycle traveling on the coast road towards Messina crashed into a car that was making a maneuver to exit the parking stalls on the sea side and the impact knocked the driver of the two-wheeled vehicle to the ground . The collision occurred near the Piazzetta del Pescatore between a Benelli motorbike and a Peugeot 197: the latter was hit in the left rear and immediately afterwards the centaur, a 16-year-old from Nice, Sicily, was thrown from the vehicle by crawling a few meters and ending up in the opposite lane. The centaur suffered serious multiple traumas and was rescued by the 118 ambulance and taken to the Messina Polyclinic. The local police of Roccalumera intervened on the seafront to detect the accident and reconstruct the exact dynamics of what happened, as well as a patrol from the Carabinieri of Alì Terme.

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