Blind man punches the chamber: Northern League member punches 5 Star MP (VIDEO) | Today Treviso | News

ROME – Moments of strong tension and violence occurred today in the Chamber of Deputies during the discussion on the reform of the premiership. In a disconcerting episode, the Northern League deputy Claudio Iezzi he physically attacked his colleague from the 5 Star Movement, Leonardo Donno, punching him and causing him to fall to the ground.

The accident occurred when Donno attempted to deliver an Italian flag to the Minister for Reforms, Roberto Calderoli, in protest against the reform. According to what was reported by Marco Grimaldi of the Vista Agency, Iezzi would have violently pulled and hit Donno, forcing him to leave the courtroom in a wheelchair due to his injuries.

The images of the attack sparked outrage and condemnation by the opposition. The leader of the M5S, Giuseppe Contedenounced the incident as a “act of squadrism“that tarnishes Italian democracy. Even the leader of the Democratic Party, Francesco Bocciaexpressed outrage at the unprecedented violence, calling for immediate measures.

After the attack, the opposition left the chamber in protest, displaying signs with slogans such as “gag democracy” and “gagged parliament”. Some deputies sang the national anthem, creating a tense atmosphere.

Minister Casellati condemned the episode of violence, reiterating however the need to carry forward the reform of the premiership to guarantee stability in the country. However, the opposition remains firm in their opposition, denouncing a weakening of constitutional guarantees and the role of Parliament.

This serious episode of physical violence within the parliamentary chamber it represents a serious blow to Italian democracy and risks fueling further tensions in the already heated debate on the reform of the premiership. It will therefore be essential to identify and punish those responsible, in order to re-establish respect for the institutions and civil confrontation between political forces.

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