Margarita sets a trap for Lorenzo, that’s what it is

Hunchback shot a Lorenzo de la Mata (Guillermo Serrano) in the next ones Italian episodes de The promise: using a clever stratagem, the new widow Margarita (Cristina Fernandez) will in fact extort 25% of the estate from the captain. An event that will make the dark lady very angry Cruz Ezquerdo (Eva Martin), eager to get rid of her sister-in-law’s cumbersome presence on her estate as soon as possible…

The Promise, news: Lorenzo and the poker game

The storyline will start the moment Lorenzo asks Alonso (Manuel Regueiro) to attend a poker game with him, where there will be some men with whom to make potential deals. Given the recent death of his brother Fernando (Javier Collado), the Marquis of Lujan will not feel like participating and will also forbid De La Mata from going, asserting that the right decorum must be maintained for the mourning suffered.

At that point, faced with Alonso’s order, Lorenzo will be unable to do anything to go to the “gambling den”, but he will still surprise his relative with a counter-proposal: play the game, in total discretion, at The promise. Even in this case, Alonso will respond in the negative, at least until Margarita invites him to give her consent, specifying that it is not right for everyone to put their lives on stand-by because of Fernando’s sad end.

The Promise, spoiler: Margarita sets a trap for Lorenzo

And so, Lorenzo will have his own clandestine gambling den The promise. However, before the games begin, Margarita will burst into the room wearing a skimpy dress and she will ask to join the game.

Between one bluff and another, to initially make players believe that they know little or nothing about the rules of poker, in the end Margarita will show her true skill and gradually eliminate all her opponents, remaining alone to play with Lorenzo .

Completely at ease, Margarita will therefore challenge the captain to one last hand: on the one hand she will put on a plate the huge money he gave her Antonio de Carvajal y Cifuentes (Tomy Aguilera) as compensation for the missed wedding with Martina (Amparo Pinero), on the other hand the woman will ask Lorenzo to give her, in case of victory, his 25% of The promise.

The Promise, plot: Margarita gets 25% of the property

Not to back down, Lorenzo will accept the challenge but, unfortunately for him, he will be the loser and at that point he will have now committed, in front of all the other players, to give Margarita 25% of the The promise. An action that the woman will carry out in memory of her husband Fernando, who wanted to acquire the family property before Cruz decided not to give him the pill capable of saving him from a heart attack.

It is no coincidence that the first to be enraged by Margarita’s victory will be Cruz himself, who will order Lorenzo to find a way to prevent the woman from truly becoming the owner of a quarter of the estate. But will Captain De La Mata really have a way out of “going back” on his word? Follow us on Instagram.

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